Buy Reel Pletinas etc in Japan

Hi, I would like you to tell me the best shops and websites in Japan, I would like to buy from Spain, thank you very much
I interpret your thread to be asking about cassette deck sellers in Japan. I have purchased several CDs from KUPIKU-COM and found them to be an excellent seller. They appear to be a very large Japanese website seller of many things. Hope this helps you.
Hola, gracias, pero no es lo que estoy buscando, me refiero a comprar Pletinas, amplificadores de bobinas, altavoces, etc.
Hello, thank you but it's not what l'm looking for, I'm referring to buying Pletinas, Reels, amplifiers and speakers etc 

¿Pletinas de tocadiscos o de cassette? ¿Grabadoras de carrete a carrete? Necesitamos saber exactamente qué estás buscando para recomendarte un sitio de la red.

"vhalen", who uses the same nick on Audioplanet (spanish audio forum) has serious difficulties expressing himself in spanish, so go figure in english!

"pletinas": funny spanish reference for "cassette deck"

"reel to reel recorder": magnetófono de bobina abierta.

Google is your best friend...
I have a Mint Mint Revox B215 I am considering parting with. Considered to be one of the top 3 cassette decks ever made. 
Gracias por Revox B215 tienes razón en que es fantástico, pero ya lo tengo. Busco cosas que apenas salieron del mercado japonés, como algunas Pioneer, Luxman por poner un ejemplo, es por eso que quiero ver cualquier sitio web o tienda. gracias de cualquier manera
 Thanks for the Revox B215 you are right that it is fantastic but I already have it I look for things that barely came out of the Japanese market, like some Pioneer, Luxman for putting some example that's why I want to look at any website or store thanks anyway ...