Building a house

In the design phase and planning on a dedicated listening room. Any advice on its construction, lessons learned?

About 15 months ago we moved into our "forever home", with bonus room above the garage, which my developer was willing to customize (to an extent).  Besides having them move an interior wall from the typical design (giving me 19+' of wall for the components), I had them upgrade the carpet and padding, had them do a CAT6 run and dedicated 4 outlet grounded 20amp electrical run.  Not only is this a great sounding room, when I'm playing my music loud, my wife is not at all disturbed watching TV down in the living room!

When building over a garage, make sure to tile the floor (thickest tile possible). My friend's master bedroom, converted to a listening room, was over the garage and had absolutely NO BASS. The plywood subfloor soaked it up like a sponge.

If you are talking about a recording room, then it is clearly not worth saving on the material for the skin, as this is very important. Also, for the future, I can advise a team of guys , who replace and install windows, everything is at the highest level, so you can safely contact

Lots of helpful advice. I’m in a similar position so appreciate the expertise. My dedicated room will be a bonus room above the garage so little worry about soundproofing other than a sturdy door. My main concern is trying to find the right mix of design and build materials so that the space is neither too dead or reflective. The room is 21x15 with 5 foot knee walks going up to a 9 foot peak. There will be a shed dormer on one of the long walls and the system will be on a short (exterior) wall. I will do a wall mount shelf for the table screwed into a boxed in section of the wall between the 2x4 studs. I did this at our prior home and it worked well. I’d appreciate thoughts/opinions on the room dimensions and use of building materials and room treatments that will diminish first reflections and bass nodes/issues—please PM me if your suggestions do not also apply to the OP.

If you decide to build a house, you will definitely have a question of what to build?

What building materials to choose?

If you have decided to build a house, today you can easily get confused in the huge range and variety of materials that are on the construction market.

With the help of this site we will help you to study the question "What is Termodom?" and “Why in recent years, the number of houses built using this technology is growing, almost exponentially?”

A bit of history:

The ancestor of today's Thermodom technology was the " depositphotos" technology, which appeared in Italy in the distant 70s of the last century. In 1976, already in Germany, the Renova-Termodom company launched the production of thermoblocks. The technology proved to be excellent in Germany and began to spread around the world, later it also reached Ukraine.

Ukraine was the first of the CIS countries in January 1995 to adopt state building codes regulating all issues of building houses from polystyrene foam blocks of fixed formwork (DBN V.2.6-6-95). According to the current standards in Ukraine, the construction of THERMODHOUSES up to 5 floors inclusive is allowed.

In Germany, building codes allow building using this technology up to 22 floors, and in Russia and Georgia - up to 9 floors. In addition to the above countries, Thermodom technology is popular in the USA, Canada, Israel, Holland, Finland and many others. In Bulgaria, for example, the owners of houses built using energy-saving technology Termodom are exempt from paying land tax for up to 15 years.

In Ukraine, Termodom technology is becoming more popular every year. Confirmation of this is the awarding of our products with the honorary title "The best wine in the life of life" in 2004 during participation in the prestigious competition "Vinahid - 2004".

The technology impresses with its simplicity, efficiency, and most importantly - results.

THERMODHOUSE is a house, the walls of which are built from lightweight polystyrene foam blocks. Such blocks are called thermoblocks and are, in fact, fixed formwork. Filled with concrete, they form a monolithic wall 150 mm thick, insulated on both sides with polystyrene foam boards 50 mm each.

THERMOBLOCK is the basis of our construction technology Termodom. It consists of two polystyrene foam plates connected to each other by a plastic or the same polystyrene foam jumper.

It performs several important functions:

serves as a fixed formwork for concrete, which greatly simplifies the construction process;
is a wall insulation on both sides and gives it unique thermal insulation properties;
can significantly reduce construction costs.
The use of TERMODOM technology is:

reduction of construction time;
savings in the construction of the foundation;
savings in the construction of wall structures;
structural strength;
reduction of labor costs during the installation of walls;
high thermal performance of the walls.
Individual residential buildings, cottages, high-rise buildings, cascading apartment buildings, administrative and public buildings, industrial workshops and warehouses, swimming pools and refrigerators - this is an incomplete list of objects that can be built using Termodom technology

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Obligatory sound isolation. If you have windows, then buy thick curtains. When you finish, buy a good recliner where you can sit and relax. Try the fourth one Great comfort at a great price. Has lever to adjust reclining feature. Great chair for listening to music or watching TV! or just relaxing!

Some of the best sound acoustics I heard were in a basement listening room, with a slab floor and cinderblock walls up to about three or 4 feet, with framed walls up to the ceiling. The rigidity of the floor and walls made the bass awesome!

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All super helpful comments here. I'm in the final design phase for my 17 X 23 with peaked ceiling bonus room over the garage and need to specify build specs for floor, interior/exterior walls, and ceiling. Here is what I am thinking:

  • 5/8" drywall screwed and green glued over studs (2X6 exterior and 2X4 interior) with mass loaded vinyl sheets and rockwool sound batts within the cavities of interior walls (regular insulation on the exterior walls).
  • 5/8" Quiet Rock on the front wall behind the speakers to create dead end/live end arrangement.

Not sure what to do with the floor joists and flooring could use some help here since this will be the most problamatic surface--brace the joists and add a layer of mass loaded vinyl beneath the plywood flooring? The floor cavities will be filled with regular insulation since the unheated garage is below.

The goal is less about sound insulation and more about making the room sound good--reducing wall and floor shudder, etc.



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I agree that you need to think about sockets and wiring in principle. From experience I can say that it is very difficult and expensive to redo something.

@dodgealum  Just saw your post. Hope this is not too late.

I did an old world solution for my home theatre: sand. I put mixed fine and coarse sand into the spaces between joists, about 2".

That is: at the framing stage, double or triple all joists - I used LVL, screwed and glued. Screw and glue (elastomeric M1 works well) a layer of plywood to the bottom of the joists. Fill the cavities with 2-4" of mixed sand. Get an engineer to sanction this.

What you have is a preloaded floor, immune from squeaking and fairly soundproof. I guess you could add rock wool insulation above the sand for the last added iota of sound proofing.

Worked for me. YMMV.

I stumbled upon this thread and thought I'd share my thoughts. I love the idea of a dedicated listening room, and your plan for the walls sounds great. For the floor, have you consider adding an additional layer of plywood with Green Glue sandwiched between them? That should help with any potential shudder.
On a side note, I'm also looking to upgrade my bonus room, and I'm thinking of adding some French doors for more natural light. I discovered and was wondering if anyone has used them before and what their experience was like. Any feedback would be appreciated!

I understand that Green Glue is not a glue - it is a sealant or filler. I prefer something that contributes both actively and passively, like M1. Being a strong adhesive, M1 bonds the two layers together, adding their strength. This benefits the occupant of the sound room by rigidifying the walls.

Being elastomeric, M1 also dampens. This benefits those on the other side of the walls who aren't forced to listen - but not as much as Green Glue, I suspect.

Being selfish, I went with M1 and am well satisfied.

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When constructing a dedicated listening room, there are several key factors to consider. Here are some valuable pieces of advice to keep in mind based on lessons learned:

  1. Room Acoustics: Pay careful attention to room acoustics as they greatly impact sound quality. Consider the dimensions, shape, and materials used in the room. Incorporate acoustic treatments such as sound-absorbing panels, diffusers, and bass traps to control reflections and optimize sound.

  2. Sound Isolation: Focus on sound isolation to minimize external noise and disturbances. Use specialized construction techniques like double walls, decoupled ceilings, and resilient flooring to prevent sound leakage. Proper insulation and sealing are crucial to create a quiet and immersive listening environment.

  3. HVAC and Electrical: Plan HVAC systems to maintain stable temperature and humidity levels for optimum sound performance. Ensure electrical wiring is properly installed with dedicated circuits to avoid noise interference and accommodate audio equipment needs.

  4. Room Layout and Speaker Placement: Design the room layout with careful consideration of speaker placement. Consult with experts or utilize acoustic modeling software to determine optimal speaker positioning, listener seating, and room dimensions for the best soundstage and imaging.

  5. Room Treatments: Incorporate additional room treatments like diffusers, bass traps, and acoustic panels strategically placed to enhance sound quality and reduce resonances. Experiment with different placements to find the most favorable acoustic response.

  6. Cable Management: Plan for proper cable management to avoid signal degradation and maintain a clean aesthetic. Use high-quality cables and keep them organized and well-routed to minimize interference and ensure optimal signal transfer.

  7. Flexibility: Allow for flexibility in the room design to accommodate future upgrades or changes in audio equipment. Consider adjustable furniture, modular acoustic treatments, and wiring infrastructure that can adapt to evolving needs.

  8. Fine-Tuning: After construction, fine-tune the room through careful listening tests, acoustic measurements, and adjustments to achieve the desired sound balance and sonic accuracy. Consider professional help or calibration tools for precise audio calibration.

Remember, each listening room is unique, and personal preferences may vary. It’s beneficial to consult with acoustics experts, audio engineers, or dedicated listening room designers who can provide tailored advice based on your specific goals and requirements geometry dash