Buchardt A10 Review in Hi-Fi+ Magazine

I just saw this earlier today: Buchardt Audio Anniversary 10

A funny coincidence, I was planning on writing a short review for a pair of Buchardt A10s I pre-ordered last September. They are very interesting speakers and they have exceeded my expectations in many ways. More about that tomorrow. I will also add some comments about the review. I mostly agree with the reviewer's comments but I think that more discussion about the wireless and room correction features would be helpful for prospective buyers.



The speakers sound very interesting, but the review is flyover garbage as per usual from Hifi+ as it lacks how the speakers perform with specific songs or how they compare to anything else so isn’t very informative except for very broad and basic sonic aspects.  I’d very much look forward to your thoughts on them as I bet I’ll come away with a much better idea of what the speakers actually sound like.

They are a small monitor speakers with solid wood cabinets. They don't seem unduly light (or heavy) in the hand.