Bryston BDP-3 vs Lyngdorf MP-60 2.1 internal VTune player

My current streaming solution in my Main system uses a Roon Nucleus server sending files (my library + Quboz) over ethernet to a Lyngdorf MP-60 2.1 VTuner as Roon endpoint.  All Roon control and volume is accomplished by iPad interface.  I am quite happy with the music sound and ease of interface.  I have a Bryston BDP-3 in a secondary system.  Would I gain anything by adding the BDP-3 to my Main system as the Roon endpoint and then sending the digital signal to the Lyngdorf preamp via AES/EBU or S/P DIF?


I use a BDP-Pi with Roon and it’s purdy solid. Rarely does the Pi drop from the network or flake out. But I have it on a mesh network with one of the Nodes wired directly to the Roon Core host and the Pi at the rig. It would be really interesting for the community to hear a comparison at your site.

To get Roon to sound as good as the Pi (MPD) I had to rehost the Roon core from a Mac Mini to a Small Green Computer and get it all on the Mesh network with higher quality network cabling. Sorry can’t remember exactly what they were but certainly nothing really expensive. For really super critical listening the MPD in Manic Moose in some recordings does still produce a fuller sound stage but you really have to have to have your brain in scrutinize mode. Most people I do side x side comparisons for can’t even tell the difference or care.

As far as Manic Moose I have warmed up to it over the years. It’s like tinkering with and old car that performs really well and has a lot of capability. It’s not junk but I understand why people think it is.

I think Brystons BDP series make great ROON endpoints although they are a bit bulky compared to the technology available today.


In my second system, I use the Roon interface vice Manic Moose for control.  I've had no issues with the BDP-3 "playing nice" with Roon.  As the #2 system is still in use, I've not  elected to break it up to try adding the Bryston to the Main system.  



i dumped my BRYSTON digital player too because of its untenable, frustrating, and Jurassic era player app with MANIC MOOSE.

I upgraded to MOON by SIMAUDIO that was a step-up in audio performance, and a quantum leap step-up to a class leading experience with its MIND2 digital player app.

I had the BDP 3 and it sounded great but dumped it because of the frustration of using Manic Moose.  If the BDP3 plays nice with Roon-that potentially is a big if—then I would think you would have a major upgrade