Bryston BDP-3 vs Lyngdorf MP-60 2.1 internal VTune player

My current streaming solution in my Main system uses a Roon Nucleus server sending files (my library + Quboz) over ethernet to a Lyngdorf MP-60 2.1 VTuner as Roon endpoint.  All Roon control and volume is accomplished by iPad interface.  I am quite happy with the music sound and ease of interface.  I have a Bryston BDP-3 in a secondary system.  Would I gain anything by adding the BDP-3 to my Main system as the Roon endpoint and then sending the digital signal to the Lyngdorf preamp via AES/EBU or S/P DIF?


I had the BDP 3 and it sounded great but dumped it because of the frustration of using Manic Moose.  If the BDP3 plays nice with Roon-that potentially is a big if—then I would think you would have a major upgrade 



i dumped my BRYSTON digital player too because of its untenable, frustrating, and Jurassic era player app with MANIC MOOSE.

I upgraded to MOON by SIMAUDIO that was a step-up in audio performance, and a quantum leap step-up to a class leading experience with its MIND2 digital player app.


In my second system, I use the Roon interface vice Manic Moose for control.  I've had no issues with the BDP-3 "playing nice" with Roon.  As the #2 system is still in use, I've not  elected to break it up to try adding the Bryston to the Main system.