Bryston Bdp-3 Issue?

Have Bryston Bdp-3 and Matching Bda-3.

When running Jays Transport for Cd's sounds good

When I run Tital thru the Bdp-3 its upper mids and highs are somewhat out of Balance

New streamer?  Suggestions



I had seen the Manic moose 🫎 interface (Lumin is right there too as it sucks) and the only thing worse is the Bryston’s way of accessing BDA3 settings thru an IP address. Upgrading the firmware on my then BDA3 DAC was one of the worst user experiences ever. I almost bricked it. Lol

Bryston sound is good though so that’s nothing to complain about.


I would probably try firing up a trial of Qobuz and see how that compares to Tidal. 

I just joined Qobuz (trial), is it customary for it not to play full tracks until you pay?

Thanks for reply, I had Qobuz before Just purchased it again,

Actually pretty much the same boosted Hiend.. The Radio portion is much more of a relaxed sound.

so- Going to bring home a streamer from local Hiend store for a trial and return it
