Bryston Bdp-3 Issue?

Have Bryston Bdp-3 and Matching Bda-3.

When running Jays Transport for Cd's sounds good

When I run Tital thru the Bdp-3 its upper mids and highs are somewhat out of Balance

New streamer?  Suggestions


Showing 12 responses by hiend2

Using quality cable, tried all input variations Have audiophile powercords on Dac And streamer Qualty Cat cable ect

Its been like this right along, I will take your ideas.

Tital and Qobuzz  very close Tital is less congested

From what I read the Bdp-3 has very good sound quality.

Well Id look for a More relaxed Presentation in a new streamer

I guess I should listen to some other recordings before I make a determination thanks for the replies. It just seems a little top-heavy so a bright recording sounds too bright but a doll recording sounds good so on and on we go.

Silnote.  Ran a carbon they the usb

all are kind of brite I just noticed there is a dealer out here in Las Vegas, which I live as a high-end shop that has render and lumen I’m gonna bring the BDP down there and compare

Thanks for the info Guys.

Maybe internet service/modem.

Thinking about getting a second service Like dsl to see if there is any improvment

over cable modem

Yes I run the jays transport actually kind of the opposite kind of reserved voice table pretty balanced so it’s the digital coming in


thanks for replies

Thanks for reply, I had Qobuz before Just purchased it again,

Actually pretty much the same boosted Hiend.. The Radio portion is much more of a relaxed sound.

so- Going to bring home a streamer from local Hiend store for a trial and return it


Actually this little box sounds great.      and a Real Deal now.

Interface not so much.