Bryston Bdp-3 Issue?

Have Bryston Bdp-3 and Matching Bda-3.

When running Jays Transport for Cd's sounds good

When I run Tital thru the Bdp-3 its upper mids and highs are somewhat out of Balance

New streamer?  Suggestions


Showing 2 responses by jbuhl

Start all of a sudden? Happen on all streamed tracks? Maybe see if you can rip one of your CDs to a file and play that off the BDP-3.  USB thumb drive should work for a test. Or hop into the radio section use the Radio Paradise app and see how that sounds.  The RP app will stream at redbook quality.   Just ideas to see if you can isolate the source issue.

Also do a trial of Qobuz and see it that has same issue. 



I would probably try firing up a trial of Qobuz and see how that compares to Tidal.