Bryston BDP-π

I am considering a network streamer.  I need to have digital coax, and optical outputs.  Are there others that offer a similar functionally of the Bryston BDY-pi I should consider?   I don't want to monkey around with the DIY Rasberry Pi, but only a solution that is close to turnkey as possible.    Any price point, as long as the performance matches the price.   Any suggestions?  I will be feeding a Chord DAC

Um, the Bryston Pi IS a Raspberry Pi in a Bryston box, with a humungous markup. I’d look elsewhere for the performance to price ratio you want.

You might look instead at the Auralic Aries G2.1, if going into a Dave or TT2. If Qutest or below, maybe you’d like the Bluesound Node 2i (the epitome of turnkey at its price), or something more upscale like a Lumin U1 Mini, the Auralic Aries G1, or Sonnet Hermes.The controller software is something you should research if you’re not planning to use Roon. Another option is to get the Chord 2GO + 2YU combo, but I'm baffled why they don't just make a one box streamer instead of Chord-specific 2GO (Hugo 2 only) and Poly (for Mojo only). 
Since you were considering the Bryston, the Allo USBridge Signature is inexpensive and well reviewed. It is a pi concept based unit but is assembled ready to go. 
I am assuming the Bryston uses Manic Moose software, which would be another reason to avoid it.  I second the Bluesound as an intro to streaming.  It isn’t perfect and there are some long term reliability issues, but as long as you use it with a decent DAC it does play High Rez files, does all the streaming services, has easier to use software, and is good enough that you may never feel the need to upgrade, all for around 500 bucks
I would stay away from the Auralic G1 too expensive and mediocre sound in my system and to my ears. . Yes, I owned one, bought it new and sold it and lost lots of money!
What about the Auralic Aries with the external PSU & dual FemtoClocks? That is still available where I live.  It's about half the price of the G1. 
i hear that this is basically a RP4 all dressed up and that i should get a Allo usb bridge signature instead.  problem is Allo never got back to me.  poor customer service,, plus it way to complicated to set up.