Bringing Bryston 4B back to 1997 new.

Recently I rescued a Bryston 4B off Facebook marketplace. It needs to be refurbished. Bryston will bring it back to 1997 new for $1400. That’ll bring my investment to $1700 all in. I’m thinking for the money I might be better off with a nice class D . I’d be powering Thiel CS 2.4’s. I have a Bryston BP 20 preamp Curious what you guys think. Go vintage or invest in the future?


Thank you for your detailed response. I’m right behind you age wise. Lately I’ve been reading about  purifi amplifiers and what looks like an novel new way of amplification. Up till now nothing has come along that I thought was significantly better. I know the restored Bryston will be a great amplifier for many more years. To me it’s similar to current car choices. The Bryston in my mind would be like a Lexus. Smooth and reliable and a little luxury. Where the new D class amplifiers compare to a Tesla. More cutting edge,wave of the future.

You say Bryston brings it back to the out of date  specs?  Meaning 1997 or whatever year it was manufactured? Wouldn't it be preferable to upgrade the amp to 4B3 level? Or sst, or even sst2 which I believe they call that square? Perhaps that can't be done with an older model! Unless you need a warranty maybe find a local guy and have him replace the caps. I have 7B squared is what they call it for short. 

Bryston doesn’t change existing circuitry . They do update caps and filters if they can. It will still be the same amplifier as it was when it was when manufactured. I’m not likely to be spending $7400 for the cube series. 

I owned the BP20 and also owned Bryston amps in the 1990’s. I also had a Thiel SCS4 monitor with a Bryston 7B-sst and I think a BAT VK-42SE preamp (warm).

The combo of the BP20 + Bryston 1997 + Thiel would be too bright for my ears. I would get a warm-ish Class D amp, such as a D-Sonic

@goldbehen I too wouldn't be paying that for a new cube series but on the used market they can be found and still warranted for the remainder of years. I get a warmer presentation with a tube pre and the 7sq.  Probably though I'd be considered to have a bright system.