Boenicke Price List and availability

Hi everyone,
Is there anyone here who knows where to buy Boenicke speakers in the USA? Does anyone have current prices on the W5, W5SE and W8 speakers? I tried to email Park Avenue Audio in NYC, the only one that I could find that carries the brand, but they have yet to respond back to me. Maybe in few more days they will. Or maybe they no longer carry the brand. Perhaps I can buy them direct? Thanks for your help. 

I actually went through this with Park Ave Audio earlier this year. Sent them a very straightforward request for pricing and they essentially refused to give pricing info and kept telling me to to come into they NYC store and have a listen.

Cripes that's ridiculous.  That puts them in to the a-hole dealer category for me.

Well, thanks much for the pricing. I'm glad I am not the only one having trouble with this place. It is quite ridiculous that you basically have to beg to give money for something. That's quite arrogant. Maybe another store will pick up the line soon. The W8SE or the W11 look like the sweet spot for me. The 11SE would be my choice but at $18,323 it's getting up there. 
This message may come late, but Boenicke has several dealers throughout the US. I'm certain there are several in California. We even have two dealers here in Chicago and I know there's one in Minneapolis. Unfortunately, not many dealers advertise the brand. I'm pretty damn good at hunting these places down, so if you still need help, please let me know. Also, I've heard these speakers. INCREDIBLE! They can challenge speakers costing more than twice their price. But the difference between the SE and the SE+ is not worth it, IMHO. The SE's are so true and balanced that they're hard to improve on, given how well constructed they are to begin with. The SE+ has a slightly larger soundstage, but the SE's soundstage is already dark, deep, and wide beyond any speaker under $25K that I've heard. My challenge is do I save a lot of money and get the W11SE's or do I go with my original plan and buy the Raidho XT-3's for a hell of a lot more. I fell in love with the XT-3's and when my mind is set on something, it's nearly impossible to change it. To make things more complicated, I have not been able to hear them side by side. One more thing, the Boenicke's need an intense amount of burn-in. At first, the base will make you wish you'd never bought them. But after two-to-three weeks of running them to classical music (highly dynamic), or a program for this purpose—nonstop—they will relax, the stage will widen, and you'll be thrilled with them. Boenicke does do about 200 hours of burn-in before sending them out, but it's not nearly enough to accomplish their operational best.