Better speakers

kenjit crossed the line
+1 for moderation
I think attitudes towards censorship can often reveal an awful lot.

I particularly like that quote by the infamous print mogul Charles Foster Kane, or as he's also known, William Randolph Hearst.

"News is something somebody doesn't want printed; all else is advertising."
kenjit deleted his own.. Not a Moderator.. I knew, that was going on...

It just says the moderator, bla bla bla... BUT K threw the kill switch...

No their not out to get him, nor are the complaints... I thought something was up...

You ever meet a "Hero" always there to fix what ever was broke and new right where to look... I’ve caught 6-7 through the years, Last one was Los Vegas...

Close to 500,000.00 they figured in OT, down time, and liquidated damages by this one guy... YUP Dick Tracy here.. UPS had TWO...
Tag Team.. one would mess it up tell the other on a different shift. and visa versa... They went to jail...

My job find the problem.. Just like here.... K did himself..

Now if I could get paid and there really was a problem.  :-) LOL, YUK YUK YUK.... HO HO HO....

Puff Puff Pass, caugh!

K you’re a sly one...

My post the was removed for mentioning the "hippsy shippy shakes & boogaloo).

Not certain why.

We live in uncertain times.

My post the was removed for mentioning the "hippsy shippy shakes & boogaloo).

Not certain why.

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I don't know what happened but when I said Dr. Toole never made a statement loudspeaker, that usually sets off the pure measurement guys. 
There is no line and there are no rules and there are no mods. It is just one person that is in charge of deleting posts around here. On a whim.
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