Best subwoffer crossover with room correction

I have a Rogue Stereo 100 Dark amplifier and Vandersteen 2ce Mkiii speakers (-3db at 29 Hz). I use an Icon LA 4 preamplifier. I have an 1. An SVS 300 subwoofer, 2. A Triad q3 inch, 700 wat subwoifer, and 3. A Snell 18 inch subwoofer with 499 watts amplification.  . I  tried to  use the REW Software and the parametric SVS 3000, but could not obtain a smooth bass frequency response. I think I need a crossover at 70% below the lower limit (20 Hz), it will not overlap with my main speakers. So I am wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a good crossover for my subwoofer. I know that the Vandersteen Sub3 is designed specifically for my purpose and may be my best option.


@erik_squires , sorry for the confusion: I was talking about the link that user ditusa posted just above my comment. The link is for a JL Audio CR-1 crossover that is priced at $3500 while the normal used price seems to below $3000. I was just letting mschwabmmd know that, while the CR-1 is supposed to be a high quality unit, it is normally cheaper than the listing in question.


There is currently a Vandersteen M5-HPB for $900 on usam. All this interests me due to a room mode I have around 75 hz arising from my room dimensions. I have been trying to find an acceptable solution without going full range dsp. Currently, I am using a pair of cheap FMODs between pre and amp, 100 hz high pass, 6 dB per octave so I get about 3 dB reduction at 75 hz. The CR-1 and the new Mac eq have both been on my radar but not the Vandersteen, due to my unfamiliarity with it.



@kykat  - Oh man the prices on the Vandersteen crossovers are out of this world.  I thought they used to have less expensive in-line crossovers. 

You can make your own single-ended crossover with high-end copper foil caps for 1/10th of those prices.  Of course these would only be 6 dB/octave but I'm afraid the prices on the Vandersteen site are way too rich for me.

Just be aware the linked crossover is quite a bit pricier than the norm. See HiFiShark’s sold/expired tab for examples of past listings of the CR1.
This model is supposed to be a wonderful unit - I have no experience with it yet, just a heads up that $3500 is more than most used units.

40 Hz is too low. I agree with Vandersteen that 100Hz is about the right place for a crossover.

It is an unfortunate Audiophile myth that lower is better, but the handful that have tried going over to higher crossovers have learned the benefit.

I had concerns about introducing a digital stage into my completely analog system. I prefer the idea of a crossover (say 40 Hz), then using the SVS3000's digital parametric equalizer to smooth out the bass.


I need to find an analog crossover since the miniDSP introduces a digital stage between my preamplifier and amplifier. I would appreciate suggestions for an audiophile-grade analog crossover. I hope I do not need to revisit my electrical engineering textbook (from 1972) and build one myself.


I am impressed and grateful for the high level of audio engineering and experience your answers bring to my questions. Thank you all very much.




By letting the sub take over more Hz you not only reduce the distortion, and increase the dynamic range of your mains but you also make it possible to introduce DSP that is ONLY in your bass. That is, any problems you have in the 20-80Hz range move over to the sub and become easier to manage. 

Done well a subwoofer should make your speakers sound glorious instead of incrementally better.

Thank you for your time and detailed technical explanations. I appreciate your insights. While I was initially hesitant to add a subwoofer to address the 3–6 dB dip at 10–20 Hz, I understand the importance of placement optimization for the Vandersteen 2CE speakers. I will continue experimenting with different placements to achieve the best possible sound quality.

Mahalo and Aloha,


Lets start with placement.  Use the AM Acoustics room mode simulator to try to find the best location for the speakers and sub.  Try to keep your speakers and listening location out of the worst / lowest room modes.

Next, you should take Vandersteen's advice and use a high pass filter.  Vandersteen sells them directly. Try to use a subwoofer for 10 Hz wide space is madness.  Also keep in mind that the specs are garbage when the speaker is in the room, but many an audiophile who has attempted minimalist subwoofer use has become a convert to using a high pass filter, and one of the main reasons is that it makes integration a lot better and easier.

Room correction DSP or using the internal EQ won't do as much as placement will for bass (and all speakers). If you're well versed using REW you will need to place your subs in various spots then measure to find the best spot(s). Once you place them in the best spots you can, then using DSP (think a MiniDSP for example) will help a little more by making frequency adjustments and also phase adjustments. Adjusting the volume levels will be up to your taste.