Best Speakers You Have Ever Heard In Your Home

There is a post the question " The best speaker you have heard?" I wonder how many of you have owned that elusive " best speaker I have ever heard.
Raidho D3. No contest. And I've owned Sonus Faber Stradivari, Aida's, Revel, Magnepan, and many many many others.
It does seem like it is possible to own the dream speaker. Interesting that no one mentioned those really large and or really expensive speaker.

My experience has been the same.
I have speakers in 5 different rooms in my home and run each regularly and sometimes concurrently, for a/b tests.

I have yet to find any 1 speaker that works best in all rooms. There is a lesson to be learned there. My big OHM 5s are probably the most versatile. They have 4 three way level adjustments on board each to help tune the sound to different rooms of all sizes.

I have bigger rooms and smaller rooms. I have one fairly well optimized larger room and one small. I also have three others that are less optimized but work quite well for more casual listening. The best sound in my larger optimized room is with my larger OHM 5s and in the smaller room, probably with my smaller OHM 100s. My Dynaudio monitors are not quite as full range but also sound pretty optimal otherwise in the smaller room, though the tonality is somewhat different than the OHMs.

I like the sound in my optimized rooms as well or better than most anything else I have heard at shows, dealers, and elsewhere. WHich is best? WHo knows. Its all quite good.
The best speaker I've ever heard was the Tonian Labs Classic 12.1S.
I settled on his little brother, the TL-D1 and as he grew up, he no longer stood in his brother's shadow.

All the best,