I would like to hear from people with Tannoy 15' dual concentric speakers
which type of S.S. amp they found produced the most pleasing sound in
their estimation. I would like an integrated for simplicity. Class A , Power or ?
Anyone having experience please chime in?

Interesting thread I’m pondering the same thing myself and partly drawn to the Redford Revival STA 15 or 25 as a tube based amp wile for solid state I’m going class A with a contemporary of my speakers Tannoy Berkley from ‘76 being a Yamaha CA1000 

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Bakoon.No contest because they operate electrically more like tube amps.I have tried a lot of different SS and and tube amps with various Tannoy 15s and the Bakoons are by far the best sounding.
The larger Tannoys are well suited for tube amplifiers as they are easy to drive and don't need much power.

But if you really want to go solid state you first stop is a First Watt amplifier by Nelson Pass. They don't make a lot of power but unless you have a very large room that'll be OK. But they are smoother and more detailed than most solid state amplifiers owing to very simple design and no feedback. They also are class A operation- so expect some heat.

If you get a regular solid state design that uses feedback, there is a real possibility that you won't be hearing everything that the speaker can do!
I have done few comparisons and to my ears nothing else came close to the pairing of Accuphase with Tannoy’s. I am currently using E-650 Integrated with my Canterbury’s and couldn’t be any happier.

Accuphase sound is perfectly balanced and rich. The texture, harmonics, decay are rendered beautifully and faithfully. IMHO, Accuphase easily transcends the electronic listening experience by allowing you to feel the emotions in music....the live performances, it puts you front and center of the artist.

I also own a decent tube pre and amp setup and I can say unequivocally that Accuphase gives you best of both worlds, the rich harmonics of tubes and pure class A power to drive that 15” woofer with full authority.
You have to do what you want and feel best. I’d be curious to pair the Tannoys with tubes from Primaluna, Carver or Rogue products   If I was going SS I’d audition Luxman Class A by purchasing through Musicdirect. 
Do you already own some, or will you be buying a pair?

You may start out with SS, but, eventually I bet you will want to hear them driven by tubes. Therefore, IMO, just start with an Integrated Tube Amp now!

They are high enough sensitivity/efficiency to play very loudly with only 25 watts per channel, so that keeps the cost of tube power affordable. 

SS or Tube: if possible in your budget, get more power, for future changes.

this looks like a good read

btw, I would check to see if replacement cones/surrounds are available.