Best high-efficiency speaker for Unison S6 EL34-based integrated

Hello audio junkies.

I've been running my 35w Unison Research S6 integrated amp with a classic pair of Proac Response 2.5, but have come to the conclusion the the Unison doesn't have enough juice to get the Proacs to sing. I've been doing some research on higher-efficiency speaker brands that may be a better match for the amp, like WLM, Tannoy, Zu, Living Voice, etc. Functionally, my room is 13" x 30" and I need to fire the speakers across the short dimension, positioned about 7' apart on either side of fireplace. Would like to find something that would charge the room with bass and image well.

Any recommendations for me? Can be modern or vintage.

-Bob R
There's a pair of high efficiency Heco Direkt listed now for 2300.00.  They received an outstanding review in the U.K. magazine Hi Fi Choice.  No personal experience however and no relation to the seller.
Thanks all for the great suggestions... Has anyone had experience with Audio Note or WLM? I'd go for the Devore Orangutan O/93 or O/96, but they're too expensive, even second hand.
Check out Charney Audio.  I own his Concertos.  He has smaller models.  I have no affiliation other than being a satisfied customer and a personal friend.
Hi bob_rodgers.  May I ask what genre of music you typically listen to and at what volume?  I ask because you are looking to "charge the room with bass."  First of all I think charging a 13x30 room with good, clean, articulate, bass is often easier said than done.  And, if you are listening primarily to bass heavy music a more efficient speaker may not totally meet your goal -- some of the issue may be with your amp.  Don't get me wrong. I think your amp is a really sweet piece (I would love to own it); however, I have typically seen it associated with making magic in more modest size rooms with high quality monitors like the Opera Callas and Harbeth Compact 7ES-3 with classical, acoustic, and jazz music.  It also supposed to be really special with Quad 57's.  Obviously, none of these speakers would meet your needs. But even with larger and more efficient speakers, the 35 watts of EL34 may be softer and less controlled in the bass than say KT88 or 6550 based amps; especially in your large room.  Just a thought.  If you are married to the S6, then maybe something like the Zu Definition, which is meant for larger rooms and has a built in deep bass amplifier would give you what you seek in the bass department; but as SFALL states in an earlier post the Zu's don't have the universal appeal of your Proacs and you may not like their overall presentation.