Best cables for Shindo gear.

 Are Shindo cables the best choice with Shindo gear or are there better sounding cables like Luna , Audience Frontrow or Ocellia cables?


@jond +1 I stand corrected! I recall reading something about Switchcraft and Shindo in the late Art Dudley's column in Stereophile way back when! Art of course owned some Shindo amps.

Yes, the Shindo and A 23 are the most used with Shindo gear but are there any of you here that have tried  other cable brands that sounded similar or perhaps even better than the Shindo or A 23 cables.With so many great cables out there and continuously new technology just wondering if any of you had any positive experiences.

+1, @jond 

The stock ‘grey’ powercord and A23 IC and Speaker wire are the most commonly used cables with Shindo gear. 

No Ken Shindo used and recommended Shindo cables with Switchcraft connectors. And those are generally considered best with his gear good alternate choices would be Auditorium23 and Audio Note.

Ken Shindo (RIP) used and recommended gray Switchcraft IC's. The ones commonly sold at Radio Shack.