Best affordable Surge protector home stereo and my TV?

Novice guy here!

So I am slowly getting my system going now its nothing on the scale that most of you have but its what I can afford.



speaker wire---check

sub woofer--- check

60inch tv---check

Surge protector---????????????

Thank you.

You don't need a surge protector. What you need- what is missing from your list that will make a big improvement- well it depends on what you have. If your receiver has a detachable power cord then a better one will make a big difference. If not then next would be interconnects. Then I see speaker wire, which if that's what it is then better speaker cables. None of these needs too be very expensive. Budget whatever seems reasonable. But they are not the same, performance is not determined by price, there are some great bargains and some real dogs but if you just take the time to search and find the good ones you will be amazed.

After wire next I would upgrade to Blue Quantum fuses and add ECT and some HFT. Only after doing all that would I bother with a conditioner. Actually no not even then. Upgrading from receiver to integrated amp is a lot more value.

But first just to get some idea what is possible do a little search on speaker placement. Almost everyone starting out is able to get really big improvement just by moving the speakers, with sometimes even very small adjustments yielding a surprisingly large improvement. Measure distances and angles, get them perfectly symmetrical, see if your imaging doesn't get dramatically better.

My concern is protection,  my components are not the best but what I can afford.  I love music and live in an area with severe weather so I would like to keep what I have.

I have a Yamaha 7.1 receiver-no detachable power cord

NAD cd player

Fluance Sig series speakers

Fluance Turn table

Klipsch sub woofer

Don't hate its not the best but works for me.

You don't need a surge protector. What you need- what is missing from your list that will make a big improvement- well it depends on what you have. If your receiver has a detachable power cord then a better one will make a big difference ...
A better power cord will make no difference at all if his components get fried from a power surge. Your other suggestions - better interconnects, speaker wire, upgraded fuses and refined speaker placement - will also be of no consequence if his equipment gets fried by a power surge.

Surge protection is worth the cost.
A number of members here use the BrickWall PW8R15AUD ($279) and have reported excellent results in terms of sonics.  And the writeups and specs for it you'll see at their site on that and other pages (such as this one) seem technically sound and are confidence-inspiring with respect to protection.

I too used one for many years a while back, with fine results.  Eventually I changed to something more expensive while I was making other changes to my system, but that change was not due to any dissatisfaction with the BrickWall.

Good luck.  Regards,

-- Al