Best 300B tube

Hi! I have an Audion Silver Night MKII with Tannoy Turnberry SE and a Chord 2Qute connected to a Macbook Pro with Audirvana 3.5. The Audion mounts JJ 300B tubes. I replaced with TJ Full Music Solid Plate matched pair. The middle and highs expanded, all very clear, but the sound now it's so bright that a in less than an hour a get auditive fatigue. So I got back to the JJs, thinking what's next. Gold Lion or it would be similar? Raise money for KR Audio or stop curiosity and just conform with JJs, that are not bad of course? Thanks a lot.
What driver and input tubes does your MkII use, and what specifically are you using in those positions?

My early Audion Silver Night used 5687 and 6922 and they helped a bit to tune the sound.

Hi, same driver and input tubes. I replaced them before with a NOS Mullard (1962) and a NOS Sylvania (1960). It was an upgrade of course, so then I went for the 300B tubes with the same goal.

My favorite power tubes were (by far) the St. Petersburg Svetlana's (however they rarely lasted for more than 3-5 hundred hours in the amp).

JJ's were my least favorite tried (SS sounding).

The original Chinese 300B's were similar in sound to later (70's?) production WE's -w- screened Yellow graphics on the base, though the WE's were better. 

I ended up using similar (to you) signal tubes...

-late production Blackburn Mullard 6922 with dimpled disc getter
-Sylvania GB 5687

If I were to obtain another Silver Night I would probably go with the PX300 GL's (that you already came up with) along with the Mullard/Sylvania signal tubes.

My opinion of the GL's is based upon the online reviews that you most likely based your pick on, so no big whoop there.

Anyway, looks like you are aiming for the same warm/rich sound that I was.

I paired the Audion with a pair of Reynaud Twin MkII's and it was a very nice organic/3D sounding setup.


Top grade 300B will sound more bright due to expanded details.

I am using Dave and HMS which could sound analytical.

But I managed to tame the bright sound, but it was  not easy.

I believe you had better replace  Chord 2Qute with other r2r Dac, then it will help.

DeKay: Thanks a lot. Same as you, I'm looking for rich and warm sound. I'll analize your suggestions.
Thomas: As you say, the 2Qute synergy would be part of the problem too. Thank you!
Noromance: I read that review and thougth the Genelex was best buy. Thanks.
I replaced Genelex PX300b's with JJ 300b's in my system. I have Charney Audio Companion Horns with Omega RS7 drivers. The Omega's are a little on the dark side and the hardness of the JJ mates well with them.

A while back I went to Charney Audio to listen to a new speaker design. We took some time to compare different 300b's. He has a vintage pair of Western Electric and the one that came very close was the Psvane WE300b Replica Plus version. The Plus is their latest version since they had sustainability issues with the first run. If I were to upgrade to a Lowther, Voxativ or AER driver I would seriously consider the Psvane WE300b Replica plus if I couldn't score/afford Westerns. Do a search and read a few posts about them.

System Sparkler Audio S503>Upgraded ANK L3 Pre>ANK 300b Interstage Mono Blocks>Charney Audio Companions...All cabling is Jena Labs...P.I. Uberbuss and DigiBuss

Wrong thing to fix a high end dac should not be run by a standard pc

Pcs are not designed for quality music transport  a high end server introduces a less less noise into the data stream the vceaner data gives the dac a much better data streamro eork with  which resulta in a far better a ound from the dac garbage in garbage out

We have been working with digital for many years we started with Mac minis rhen compares stock pcs with tweaked up ones
then we moved int
auralic then we moved into urender and the aprender dounded dramatically better

Then we tried an inmous zenith which soundeed way lusher with a much largar sound stage

Now we discovered a new server from europe which asounds even better snd is way more flexible

A high end system is only as good as its weakest link and a PC is not a good way to feed a high end dac

A dedecated nusic server makes a huge difference

You just need to hear one in your system you eill be shocked at how mutch better your system will dound

Dave and troy
Audio intellect Nj
Us importer 432 evo servers
Dave: No doubt 432Evo would be an excellent upgrade, but its price is more than EUR 11,000. 2Qute was EUR 1,200 and when I compared conneted to a Mac Book Pro the sound was absolutely better than de EUR 600 cd player that a I used before. By the other side, if Mac as a source with Audirvana were low level option, why many brands use that combination to test their products in High End events (Tannoy Prestige series for example)? you see a large incremental improvement if you add the EVO to the Lumin X-1?  As you know I did not hear any improvement with the EMM LAb DAC and Laufer MP. you see a large incremental improvement if you add the EVO to the Lumin X-1?  As you know I did not hear any improvement with the EMM LAb DAC and Laufer MP.

Sorry to the OP for being off topic.  

I do have 16 300B Golden Lion Tubes in my Canary Audio Grand Reference 2 mono amps. 

Count me in the "don’t overlook your driver tube" camp.

300Bs (and directly heated triodes in general) are very responsive to the driver, and what worked with your JJs may be the wrong driver for the TJs (or other higher resolution 300Bs).

Just because they’re Mullards, doesn’t give them a free pass for all applications.

Thom @ Galibier Design

My understanding (I have no firsthand experience with Audion) is that they have a flatter frequency response than a lot of 300B amps and in general sound a bit more analytic rather than lush. This is from a customer who had a pair of their mono-blocks paired with Avantgardes.

He had used several different 300Bs including the TJ Fullmusic, Emission Labs and PSVane/Acme. He said the PSVanes were by far the best as they were the least analytic sounding. I think he said he had the WEs from them and they take a solid 150 hours to break in. I believe he was using Amperex Bugle Boys with the PSVanes.

Ultimately, even with the Acme’s he was unable to achieve the sound profile he wanted and switched to an Art Audio PX-25 as this was warmer and lusher than the Audion. The PX-25 is normally less lush than a 300B giving you some perspective on how analytic the Audions can be. Not saying at all that you should switch amps, just relaying the experience my customer had.

One other note. The Chord 2Qute can’t be helping. Chord definitely has a colder, more analytic sound profile. If you swapped in a warmer DAC, that could help. Maybe a Lampizator or Border Patrol?

Full Disclosure - I sell Emission Labs and KR Tubes. Can’t recommend them for you. Find the right PS Vanes as that will get you closer to the sound you are looking for. I also sell Chord and a very familiar with their sound.

Thom and Verdantaudio: Think you are right. The sound I like is JJ. Because I read very good coments about TJ Full Music, Genelex and KR Audio was curious of an upgrade, especially after good experience replacing 5687 and 6922. I reduced the brightness of the TJ Full Music changing the treble energy in the Tannoy Turnberry speakers from 0 to -1.5. It works, but I think because the sound was similar to JJ again. So I'll try de Psvane. And the Chord 2Qute is very analythical, yes; that's why I'm thinking to buy a MCRU Power Supply (change per other DAC is little over my budget right now). Thanks a lot.