Three years ago after a "misadventure" with the cantalever on a Benz Glider, I traded up to a MO9. I enjoyed the rich, warm sound it provided along with the HW19 TT, EAR tubed line/phono, Vac PA100/100 gear I owned at the time. Microdynamics were not the strong suit of the system but the sound sure felt good. Having sold everything on agon, I purchased a used VDH Frog from a fellow agon member cross-country based on the VDH Frog Stereophile review. The VDH Frog offered to my ears live,in person detail, speed, tighter bass without the euphoric overtones I experienced with the MO9. My current analoge set up including the VDH Frog is far more neutral allowing me to experiment with a variety of nos tubes to dial in the sound desired. As my VDH Frog was purchased used, I needed a rebuild in Fall 2001. Living in the Bay Area I brought the Frog to a retail dealer in San Jose. He shipped the Frog in late October 2001. My rebuilt cartridge did not return from Van Den Hul until last week!! In its absence I was loaned another cartridge. Although I did not purchase the VDH Frog from the dealer in San Jose, I did my Oracle Delphi MK V. No doubt that helped my circumstance. To own a VDH product, local support is vital. Or consider owning a back up cartridge if the Frog is that pleasing in your system. I would do just that if VDH were not localy represented in my town. It is difficult to appreciate something as fragile as a cartridge when you are left hanging with lousy support. Hweiss is right to be outraged with the treatment he's received. VDH probably lost a customer. Musical Surroundings/Benz on the other hand is awsome with their support and trade up policy. For many folks trying to just play the vinyl they love, that is more important.