Benz Ruby 2 vs. Van Den Hul Frog

I own a VPI Aries regular table with a JMW memorial 10" arm, Audio Research PH3 SE. Currently own the Benz Mo9 looking to upgrade. Suggestions regarding the two cartridges above??

Showing 1 response by artmaltman

I compared Benz cartridges to the Van Den Hull Frog several years ago and chose the Van Den Hull. I've been very happy with it. It's fast, extended top and bottom and very musical. I do load it down a bit (100) to warm it up a tad. The Benz cartridges were slightly colored, just a tad euphonic. Since the rest of my system could be described as a tad euphonic (Conrad Johnson Premier 12's, Spendor FL9, etc), the last thing in the world I needed was a cartridge that was other than neutral. That said, if your system is a bit dry sounding, you might be better off with the Benz.