
Discussions artmaltman has started

Is AptX audiophile quality? or streaming AAC lossless?27400
Direct optical out of Mac vs USB asynchronous30923
Cardas Golden Ref with Kimber 12TC?37172
Audience AU24SE plus Cardas Golden Reference?36822
Logitech Squeezebox v7.9 works with Mac Yosemite44996
Cardas: Clear vs. Golden Reference4815614
Cost of running a tube amp.69229
Flat Speakers next to Wall Mounted Screen33385
Squeezebox server w Mac OS 10.8 Mountain Lion ???27500
Silverline SR 12 vs latest Minuet Supreme32500
Squeezebox Server work with latest Apple OS?32644
Self-powered speakers: any good?598214
Apple Airplay Sound Quality1536416
Biwire vs Single/jumper: Cardas Golden Ref1254913
Speakers on floor?1496827