

Responses from kt88audio

joy killing refridgerator
We purchased a new frige. 4 years ago. It was very quiet for a long time but I have noticed cantankerous noises and what seemed like a longer run time in the past 6 months. This thread reminded me it has been 2 years since I cleaned the business e... 
Zero 7 fans?
I purchased the 2004 release "When it Falls" on vinyl and love the sound textures created by this band. Another album I found just last month similar in sound is from a band called Air. 
Graham 2.2 tonearm cables
I owned or borrowed Audio Quest, Cardas cross & and Golden Reference, Harmonic Tech and finally arrived at the IC-70. I required a very flexible phono cable to deal with the spring suspension of my upgrade to Oracle Delphi MKV and as my compon... 
What is everyone using for dedicated AC lines???
Last Summer I had my homes 40 year old 100 amp main upgraded to 200 amps. A 100 amp sub-panel was added for my 2 channel audio room with 8 dedicated 20 amp circuits. Glen's construction methods and material suggestions as listed above were applied... 
6550 vs KT88 vs KT90
I experimented with Ei KT90v.3 a while ago with my then owned VAC PA100/100. Biasing problems frustrated me enough to permanantly distrust them. Now, over a year with my replacement to the VAC amp, I too appreciate the mix n' match possibilities w... 
Benz Ruby 2 vs. Van Den Hul Frog
Three years ago after a "misadventure" with the cantalever on a Benz Glider, I traded up to a MO9. I enjoyed the rich, warm sound it provided along with the HW19 TT, EAR tubed line/phono, Vac PA100/100 gear I owned at the time. Microdynamics were ...