Wish I could give you a comparison, as I run the RexII. I would imagine they are similar. Love my RexII. Might suggest you call BAT, they are usually accessible. Also maybe talk to Glen Poor at Geoff Poor Audio. Glen sells BAT and was once a partner in the company.
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Thanks for your answer. Might I ask what amplifier / cables are you using? For reference, I have a pair of Lamm M1.2 and the VK50SE. Tara Muse between them and Kubala Elation! for my Dunlavy SC V. Right now I'm not sure if i reached the peak of mid-range resolve of my speakers or there is room for improvement in the preamp area. |
I agree with @dentdog but he meant to say you should contact Geoff Poor at Glenn Poor's Audio-Video in Champaign, IL. He is the guy you need to talk to without a doubt. He knows BAT and Dunlavy. |