It’s a red herring, really and you’ve already acknowledged that AES48 is not commonly accepted in home audio. You describe your MP-1 preamp as "featuring Balanced Differential Design®" and state it’s "still one of the very few preamps to support the balanced standard (AES48)." You then go on to insist that only AES48-compliant designs are "proper" balanced designs.
@cleeds How is that a red herring?? The topic of this thread is "Balanced vs RCA preamps" so my comments about balanced operation are relevant.
I do describe the MP-1 and the MP-3 in that manner. I’ve described other high end preamps in that manner too.
The emphasis added bit is false.
Nor am I claiming they are The One True Way (in fact listed a couple of other ways including links in prior posts which you seem to be ignoring) nor did I say any competing balanced line product isn’t ’proper’. Please stop trying to put words in my mouth; when you do so you commit a logical fallacy called a Strawman; logical fallicies are false by definition...
Regarding the use of ’proper’ I was talking about driving a balanced line ’properly’. I didn’t say anything about some balanced line product not being proper. Do you get the distinction??
Again, for like the 4th time already(!), this is what I claim:
if AES48 is not supported, then you loose a lot of the benefit that balanced line operation offers: immunity to ground loops and reduced or non-existent cable coloration/interaction issues (this being the ’cable makes a difference’ phenomena).
Nowhere in that is any comment about anyone’s particular balanced preamp or the like. Its a simple statement about balanced lines themselves.