Ayre QB-9 upgrade

Does anyone know if Ayre is upgrading non-original owner QB-9s? Or are they limiting upgrades to original owners only. Thanks.
Yes, they will upgrade any QB-9. They did 2 for me that I bought 2nd hand. In fact, I had the seller ship them directly in order to save on re-shipping.
Also, it doesn't matter which model. They essentially replace the entire innards, so the price is the same.
Yes they will- they charge $1500 plus around $6 for a new box.  They cover return shipping.  Took 2 weeks from door to door.
When in doubt, call the manufacturer directly.
That being said, Ayre is one of the best companies out there.
They repaired my MX-R's after a capacitor blew up.
The cost was minimal, considering that they had to check both monoblocks in order to make sure they were up to spec.