AXPONA 2025 April 11-13 Schaumburg, IL

I'm attending - first time at an audio expo for me!  Anyone else going?  Any advice what to see, listen to, do?

My current system is  - Dual CS529 TT; Eversolo A6; McIntosh C53; McIntosh MC312; B&W 702 S3 pair; REL T/7x pair; Klipsch Heresy I (1980) pair (occasionally)

I'm pretty happy with the equipment right now, but could explore next upgrades.  I've also had some suggest I consider speakers with a different sound signature to either my B&Ws or my Klipsch.  Also might be interested in room treatments.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xmattsca

Op I go there annually, I live about 30 to 40 minutes from the venue. You will enjoy it.

It's a blast, and I recommend it to anyone who loves music and audio. My method is to spend some time in the vinyl dungeon as early as I can, then go to the top floor and work my way down.  The Ultra Fidelis room (generally ARC/Vandersteen/AQ products) always sounds amazing and the folks at Music Direct had a very fun room last year.  

I’m going also.  My last AXPONA was in 2022 where I purchased my demo speakers.

I’m hoping to hear Songer Audio S1x Field Coil Loudspeakers as field coils usually sound effortless. I’m also hoping to hear the KLIPSCH + OJAS KO-R1.

I heard AXPONA has been growing, so I have to pace myself to cover the entire show.

I encourage audiophiles to attend at least one major audio show- it’s a lot of fun looking/hearing gear I’ve read about and gives one an idea of what’s sonically possible