Aurender A200 vs N200

I have a great turntable and analog system and I am now studying the addition of digital to my system. I will be adding streaming. I like the Aurender line of streamers and have narrowed it down to an A200 or the N200. Has anyone on this forum done any critical listening to compare the A200 vs the N200? If so, what differences did you note?

My plan is to initially use the DAC in my McIntosh C2600, and then to later add a high end DAC to my system, so I only want to focus on the streamer performance at this point.

Does anyone have first-hand experience with the A200 vs N200 sound quality?



@fthompson251  - Thanks!   That makes sense.  I actually had called Aurender and I spoke with someone there, but they could not provide any details other than to say the N200 will "sound better".  


I have an Aurender A20 up for sell on Audiogone.

You could have the upgrade streamer and upgraded DAC.

Another vote for N200. Not only it’s a better streamer but a streamer only ‘box’ allows higher performance with an outboard DAC and flexibility to tailor your sound.