Audiophile Surge Suppressor (and nothing else)

Are there any audiophile level surge suppressors that do not add any conditioning or filtering? A fancy power strip with quality outlets, wiring and a non-captive cord, maybe metal for shielding. Thoughts?


@terry9 ​​@total111 --All good here. Texas is unimaginably huge- I was in touch with some folks in Denton, which is north of Fort Worth (famous for its music school, particularly jazz performance) and asked them how they fared given the hurricane/tornados that hit, among other places, Oklahoma. The response I got was that they are still three plus hours from the northern border.

Yep, West Texas (not to be confused with the town of "West" near Waco) is vast-- apart from those windmills, there are places where you see nothing but scrub in every direction as far as the eye can see.

We took a trip to go that observatory in Ft. Davis- they have several big old telescopes- got to star gaze- since there is no ambient light out there, pretty amazing.

Thanks for the kind words, Terry. Much is owed to the contributors.

Like carlsbad2 said, oxymoron.  You're asking for something that is good and bad at the same time.  If you're interested in protecting your gear, and helping it last as long as possible (because despite what you're asking, all that filtering and conditioning increases the longevity of the circuitry in your gear) ignore audiophile equipment.  Use a Medical Power Conditioner, such as an AMETEK Powervar unit or even their standard use (non-medical) version of the same unit.  They can be had in up to a 1,920 VA load rating.

I happened to have one fall into my lap because the previous owner thought it was a non-working UPS.  As soon as I added it I experienced better sound.  But my entire apartment is on a single 20A breaker in an old, Edwardian era home with ring and loop wiring still present, so I'm a prime candidate for issues.


p.s. Asking for a non-captive cord in this scenario is like asking for "something good, but not too good."

Are there any audiophile level surge suppressors that do not add any conditioning or filtering?

The best surge suppressors are low pass filters.  The low pass filters slow down the surge to give the surge suppression gear time to respond, so no, not really easy to do one and not the other.  Based on the Wirecutter articles I often quote and others, all the best surge protectors (in terms of let through voltage) include filtering.

Whole house surge protectors are important, but the let through/clamping voltage is significantly higher than a good surge protector.  I wrote about it in too much detail here.  I've been in the cross hairs of 3 different hurricanes this year and suffered power issues each time, so my sensitivity to risk is a lot higher for me than many readers here.