Audio Truisms or Plinthy statements

Only a person living alone should own a remote.
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I suspect this thread will eventually turn into just another pithing contest.
If my speakers fall down & no one is there to hear them, do they make a noise?
(just doing my part) 
A rich 💰 💰audiophile has about as much chance of entering audio nirvana as a camel 🐪  has of passing through the eye 👁 of a needle.
And another...
Doesn't it sound good enough? My wife asked me that once... I just laughed
Listening to music, while cleaning?  The toilet brush is never the microphone.  NEVER!
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"If the first watt isn't any good, why would you want 200 more of them?"
-Robert Harley
“The great sound was in the room all the time. You just weren’t able to hear it correctly or completely.”
- Peter Belt