Audio Research REF II failed

I guess I should have changed the power supply tubes earlier... stupid me... Power amp shuts down when ever I take the pre out of mute. There is a component next to the second 6h30 (the bottom one to the right) that smoked. I assume that is a screen resistor? At the dealer now to get repaired and retubed. Booo!
Tube socket is likely ok, just replacing to err on the safe side while they are in there.
Not 100% sure, but I remember hearing from some owner something about a resistor was put in place to protect the electronics when the power tube goes out. So this may be normal. Best thing is to call ARC to verify.

Yea, 2 resistors blown. Having the tube socket replaced as well.

Repair isn't much really. Retubing cost much more.
I guess I'm missing something: Is it like accident on the car title? Who knows and who cares?
Yea, I could do it myself... just worried about the resale value. Some folks get put off if it isn't done at an authorized dealer so I took it in.

At least I didn't drag the 90 pound amp down there LOL!

I would have really been mad at myself then.