Audio Research Ref 5 SE

Does anyone know when will the Ref 5 or 5SE be replaced?
I am considering to purchase a new Ref 5 SE but worry that a new Ref per-amp may be introduced soon because the Ref 5 has been here for 4 yrs.

Thank you.
There must be a market they just came out with a 30k phono stage to go with their 30k line stage. I'm sure the next thing coming is a 30k Dac or 100k monoblocks.
05-16-13: Bifwynne
Just thinking out loud here about the Ref 10 series, priced at $30K. It's hard to believe that there's much of a market for gear at that price point. But maybe there is when one considers that there's a market for $100K+ Magicos and the like.

That is obviously where the market is headed as the economy continues to squeeze out the middle class. Most high end companies top of the line prices have more than doubled in the last few years. VAC just introduced their new "Statement" line that cost about $50,000 per unit!!!

The high end is sailing up, up and away!! Lucky few that can afford the best now. :)
In this situation I'd consider buying one used to minimize the potential pain if you can find one. Best of luck.
Just a guess. The Ref 10 series, with its $30K price tag, is directed for an extremely upscale market. Hence, I don't think it's relevant to include the Ref 10 and Ref 5 in the same conversation.

As far as the Ref 5 is concerned, as I said I have no inside clue about what's coming off the line at ARC. But here's my guess. The Ref 5 is a discontinued model, replaced by the Ref 5 SE, which I think was released in late 2011/early 2012. IOW, the Ref 5 SE IS the "Ref 6." Will there be a "real" Ref 6? I think yes. When? Maybe after the Ref 5 SE has run its course, possibly 2015 or so.

Just thinking out loud here about the Ref 10 series, priced at $30K. It's hard to believe that there's much of a market for gear at that price point. But maybe there is when one considers that there's a market for $100K+ Magicos and the like. Personally, even if I could afford to drop the change, I'm not sure I would. I think the bottleneck is the quality of source music.
The Ref-10 is currently in production and sells for 30k. They just came out with A Ref-10 phono stage. That will also set you back 30k.
Hello, ARCDB says there's en ARC Ref. 10 out there in production. don't know what happened to the 6 - 9...
Czbbcl & Jmcgrogan2
Thank you for your advises.
My thinking is that the performance and outlook of a new model should be much improved.
Well considering that the average ARC preamp lifespan is 4-5 years, I can understand your thinking that a new model will be coming soon, perhaps at the 2014 CES. However, whether a new model is released or not, it will have no effect on the sound of the Ref 5 SE, regardless of what the media will say.

A good resource for information pertaining to ARC.
