Audio Research Ref 5 and Krell amps


Just wondering if ARC Ref 5 preamp will mate well with Krell FPB 450 MCX monoblocks. My speakers are Revel Salon 2.
I just purchased a ARC LS26 to run with my FPB-600 and Aerial 10t's! I am concerned about the low end and am thinking of also getting a pair of JL Audio F113 subs to run in stereo! Will see how it goes when it gets here. Really don't want to lose any of my current bass slam.
I've gone the other way before with a Krell preamp into audio research VS series amps and it was an outstanding combo on all music and one of the best I have had for hard rock music.
Please consider Elrod's power cords too.
I have many Shunyatas including Anaconda CX and like them a lot, but found a very good combination in ARC Ref One and Elrod EPS2 Signature.
Shunyata and ARC play well together. That's what I have in my system. Very happy with results.

You've made a great choice, don't waste money on a stupid expensive cord that takes electrons to the transformer of the unit. Look at Signal Cable if you think you need another cord.
Thanks for the great feedbacks. Good to know that the Ref 5 and Krell make a good combination. I have ordered my Ref 5 , hopefully it will arrive in 2-3 weeks.

I am also considering a Shunyata Anaconda CX cord for the Ref 5.
I use it too, both with an ARC Ref 5 and now 40th AE preamp to my Krell Evo 403, great combination!!!!
I used Krell FPB750MCX and 450MCX with ARC ref3 and also ARC ref5. It is a wonderful combination. The ARC makes the mids very musical and still has enough details. It is also not to bright. The KCT has a little more bottom extention but the ARC preamps sound better in the mids. You can not go wring with this combination. Krell and ARC are a perfect match and a lot of audio friends use this combination.

Just heard CD8/Ref5/Evo 402 into Franco Serblin's new Ktema speaker at a show. Very nice

I would love to try tube amps and maybe even vinyl someday when I have more time to enjoy the finer things in audio. I have repaired my friend's tube amp a couple of times so I do know that tube amps do require a bit more care than SS.

Aside from my general preference to buy used gear rather than new for financial reasons, you raise another reason to buy used -- used gears avoids long break-in times. The "used" new Ref-5 that I recently picked up on A'gon had about 1100 hours on it. Just broken-in, yeah!!

As I said in my preceding post, I wouldn't drop any money on a tube amp unless you road tested it first. Having a chat with your friend about tubes amps is a good idea.

As a general matter, pre-amps/line stages and other source tube based inputs (e.g., CDP and phono stage)don't require a lot of care and feeding. The tubes last a long time, except that in ARC gear, the power supply may use a power tube (e.g., 6550C or 5881) which may need to be replaced every 2000 hours. Some of the hybrid gear does not use a power tube in the power supply -- it's solid state.

IME, tube power amps, at least my tube amp, requires a little more attention, e.g., power tube (KT-120, 6550C etc) replacement every 2000 hours and bias adjustment. Some tube amps have automatic bias capabilities - my ARC does not. Of course there's always the occassional pesky bias tube resister that could blow if a tube arcs (i.e., goes bad). Fortunately, there's an ARC authorized service tech who lives near me and makes house calls. Very sweet. Frankly, I enjoy fiddling with my amp. I find it relaxing and interesting.

Well . . . good luck again.

Thanks for the suggestions. I have also read that it takes 500 hours to break-in the Ref 5. At the rate I use my system, there will be a Ref 10 by the time I reach 500 hours. My normal usage is only about 2-3 hours a week. I guess I will just have to leave it on for a few weeks.

Since this is my first foray into tubes, I may consider a tube amp later on if the tube preamp works out. I don't know a thing about tubes, fortunately, I have a very good friend that can educate me.
Sfstereo, I used to own an ARC Ref-3. I recently exchanged it for a Ref-5. I love my ARC gear, especially the Ref-3/5. Just for fun, I suggest you try to demo an ARC tube amp from a dealer or friend and match it up with the Ref-5. If you do, get ready for a real treat for the ears. The synergy is magical, which should be no surprise.

Two important caveats. First, I have read that a new Ref-5 has a long break-in-period; maybe 500 hours. So if you're inclined to see what the Ref-5 can do when hooked up to an ARC tube amp, be patient. Same holds true even if you pass on the ARC tube amp/Krell SS amp shootout. Don't judge the Ref until it breaks in.

FWIW, I see that a number of Ref 110 power amps are listed on A'gon. Try and use KT-120 tubes. If you want more power, ARC just released for your listening pleasure the new Ref 150, which replaces the Ref 110.

Second, as always, if you road test an ARC tube amp, be sure it will match well with your speakers.

That's about it. Good Luck!!

Not a dealer and no relationship to ARC. My gear is all ARC tube and I suppose I am prejudiced in favor of ARC.

I am currently using a Pass Labs XP-10. I have always had SS preamps so I want to try tube for a change.

So what is the preamp your using right now with the 450's? And have you tryed any of the Evo preamps or are you strickly headed in the tube direction for a change?
microstrip & bifwynne,

Thanks for your feedback. I have always used ss preamps but after reading all the positive reviews on the ref 5, I thought I give tube preamp a chance. I am looking for a slightly larger soundstage and warmer sound that tube is suppose to provide.
Based on the high input impedance of the Krell, the Ref 5 should work well. I am planning to use balanced outputs.

I will place an order the ref 5 in a couple of weeks.

I have had the Krell 450 mcx for a couple of years now. I think about replacing them with the newer EVO series but I am not sure if they are that much better. In the meantime, I am considering getting a new preamp.
Sfstereo, I own the REF 5 and used to own the Ref 3. I concur with Micro insofar as saying that the Ref 3 and 5 have similar input/output electrical attributes (e.g. impedance, voltage etc). So, if the Ref 3 works well with the Krell, I expect the Ref 5 would as well.
I will be a great match - the Ref3 was an usual recommendation at the time, as they matched perfectly in electrical terms, and the REF5, that has better definition in the bass and more slam, will be a much better match.
I have no experience with the Salon2 and I am extrapolating from my experience with the REF3 and the FPB750 MCX - I think that the 450 MCX will sound similar.
If you ever do this let me know. I've had my eyes on a pair of 450 mcx also.