What do you y’all think? I have 30k into my system and I recently attended AXPONA 2018. I compared what I heard to what I have. I felt my system compared to the 80 to 100k systems quite well. Matching is important. Also your reference point. Any thoughts yall?  

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I think that if your investment divided amongst the components, in a manner where each is in the same relative price range, then your system benefits. Or in other words if you have a preamp and an amp and the CD player or turntable are all in pretty much the same budget range you get a better synergy.  I think where you see the biggest diminishing returns is having e.g, a $10,000 Preamp hooked up to a $500 amp in those cases you’re never get the full benefit of the more expensive item. As far as more expensive always being better I don’t buy into that at all. Taking into account that a hotel room at Rocky Mtn. Audio Fest, can limit maximizing the speakers performance, I heard a set of $250,000 speakers that in my opinion and others in the room or below the performance of a $30,000 speaker. They were hooked up to high caliber components so I really can’t blame them I just felt the speakers were a big disappointment. 
So to sum up I think performance to the buyers ear will always be  the ultimate evaluation, with total disregard of price, then let your budget make that decision. The sad truth of this audiophilia is, we always want more and there’s always more to the obtain, both a blessing and a curse.
All one man’s opinion of course