What do you y’all think? I have 30k into my system and I recently attended AXPONA 2018. I compared what I heard to what I have. I felt my system compared to the 80 to 100k systems quite well. Matching is important. Also your reference point. Any thoughts yall?  

Showing 1 response by midareff1

Much to be said for this post I think....  " Myself, I collect and use the best vintage gear from the Golden Age of High End - 1965 - 85! That was when the most innovative (and affordable!) stuff was made! Since then prices have only risen for NO real advances in sound quality! "

Recently auditioned a $5K and $7500 preamps by Audio Research to possibly replace my 25 year old AR LS2B MKII R.  the store was using a $100K + 4 box CD player and probably $40K in cables, very expensive amps and speakers and full room treatments, playing CD's I brought and am familiar with.  My first comment was what happened to the sound stage, it's all constricted size wise and well off in the distance.  Then they changed the speakers to a $35K set on stands. ..  which were not the equal of my 25 year old acoustats.  All my gear is 25+ years old and stands up superiorly to direct comparison.