Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Well,well,well. It looks like the new TP 2.2 is finally here. Anyone take the plunge yet?

Looks to be a winner like 2.1 would love to hear from users when broken in. I can attest to 2.1rnb this preamp is a very important part of my system and delivers music like i expect quiet, full body and image, a super sound stage, and life like timber.
Sherod using Clarity caps was an important move up. I just lost my money source and cant make big buys for now but i will invest in the hifi tuning fuse.
i have a 2.1 and a 2.2 in at present; the photo sherod posted is of the 2.1, the 2.2 uses a single larger R-core tranny. otherwise, very similar inside.

areas of difference favor the 2.2, which uses hifi tuning fuses & a furutech IEC, along w/ a tube biasing board & some diff resistor brands in the gain stage, but one area that favors the 2.1 is the dual trannys. hard to say which sum of parts is better, but both units are fantastic.

going back & forth at this point is mute, as i upgraded the caps in my 2.1 to V-caps...this is a significant improvement and worth every penny (its a simple DIY task). i'll have a formal writeup of the 2.2 on PFO soon enough.

Many of the new pieces in the 2.2 I had installed in my 2.0n thanx to Pat.I'm hopeful that at some point I will have the luxury of being able to compare the two.I can't say enough positive things about the Clarity caps,they definitely provide an uptick in performance.
I communicated regularly with Pat(Rx8man) while he was getting his TP2.0n upgraded with the Claritycaps and new transformer in the power supply. I'm not sure if Joseph replaced the key resistors in the signal path with the new Vishays in his(your) unit. I think I might give Joseph a call to see if he'll send me the Vishays so that I can put them in myself. I'm sure he'd rather do it himself, though. (o: Rhyno, I look forward to hearing your impressions of the differences between the 2.0 and new 2.2 preamps. Please keep us posted.
One more thing. I did replace the power line fuse with a Hifi-tuning fuse and it made a nice improvement. There is one more fuse on the power supply board, but I can't remember what the value is. I probably need to order one to replace that one as well. Can someone tell me what the value is so I don't have to open up my unit just yet?
Thanks Mark and Sherod, for the after thoughts about me.

Mark's unit (the one I sold him) had nearly all future (at the time) and current parts, many of these were my wild ideas at the time.

I knew what the preamp needed for a bigger and better sound, which it definately has, Mark can attest to that, he really has a quite special pre.

Nice to see this thread is still alive and hasn't been removed again by the powers-that-be.

Take care guys.
Hi rhyno,
The ad for the new 2.2 states,
• The following are available as an option with the TP 2.2cv and 2.2cvB:
A premium, stepped volume control for a smoother feeling pot, discrete steps, and even less variation between channel output than before.
Do you know if this is a true stepped attenuator or a potentiometer with detents and, if a stepped attenuator, by which manufacturer?
The best buy I've found on Hifi-tuning fuses is from Acoustic Sounds:

The best buy I've found on Hifi-tuning fuses is from Acoustic Sounds:
Thanks for the tip. That is the best regular price I have seen also. Too bad I just purchased 6 of them for my new amps. Usually, I wait for a Partsconnexion 20 percent off sale.
I was looking at the Cable Companies selection and they list a newer silver model. It costs more almost double Acoustic Sounds at 59.95 anyone compared the gold and silver models.
Ordered from Acoustic Sounds and went with the gold type, also got 2 for my Nuforce amps. Going to change the IEC out to a Furutech FI 09 gold and have one of those coming.
Believe it or not, these Hifi-tuning fuses get better with time. They have a mild break-in period, so give them a few days to acclimate into your system.
Sherod i m sure because the HiFi tuning fuse is much more than a fuse it needs some time to get right. I did some PC moving and swapping this morning and yes it does take time even for well broke in PCs to settle down and sound good.

Looking forward to what the Hifi tuning fuses and Furutech IEC deliver.
Stltrains, I looked forward to your experience with Hifi Tuning and Furutech FI 09 connector as I am thinking of swapping the stock fuse with a higher grade fuse eg Hifi Tuning or Isoclean. One question though is Do you need to open the Nuforce casing to replace stock fuse.
I thought I see that there is flap there but seems that it is really an opening to refuse the fuse without removing the casing.

Thanks so much

YGLim you dont need to open the case to get to the Nuforce fuse. The IEC incorporates the male plug and fuse. Theres a small tab that a small flat screwdriver will fit to pop the housing up and out the fuse clips into the housing. I had to remove the amp from my system to figure out how to pop the housing out.

Will post my findings with HiFi Tuning fuses and the IEC.
Stltrains, Thanks so much for your time. Got the fuse out but out of luck getting the required size in Singapore. Guess I will have to try outside Singapore.

Is the Furutech FI 09 meant for Nuforce as well. From the internet, I thought this IEC inlet does not come with an integrated fuse holder?


YG my mistake for using this tread for Nuforce discussion. I will send you a PM.

HiFi Tuning Fuses are in my 2.1rnb and i now understand why a designer like Joseph would include them in his new 2.2 pre amp. Right off the get go the difference for the better is with substance, increased resolution transparency and air. Other very noticeable improvements timber of voice and instrument has that live true sound along with a better sounding system with these little wonders.

Guys and Gals do your self a favor if you spend a lot of time in front of your speakers and get in on this very reasonable costing tweak. IMO
As we've all seen, Joseph has announced the TP2.2 preamplifier and the TD3.1 DAC. After listening to test versions of these products for months, I believe that, once you get a chance to hear them, you will be as delighted with them as I have been.

Joseph has other products in development, including new power cords, interconnects, and amplifiers.

A week ago I received the beta version of the 845 tube power amplifier. The amplifier sounds very good across the spectrum. Transients, nuance, percussion, detail, and a powerful kick drum are present. This amplifier uses various new transformers (power, output, etc), so it is a step up from the capacitor based EL34 power amplifier I previously tested.

The difference from using output transformers rather than coupling capacitors is worth the extra cost, in my opinion. The imaging is more solid and stable, especially at the frequency extremes, with the output transformers. The soundstage is deeper. I notice that my wife (who is not an audiophile but who knows good from bad) is more inclined to sing along with the system, which may indicate that the music is more engaging to her. It is to me.

The 845 amplifier is rated to 25 watts; the EL34 amplifier is rated to 6 watts. The headroom is welcome because it provides the dynamic power needed to reproduce sudden strong instrumental entries - the guitar riff, the drum beat. I've found myself startled by the effective power.

The TP2.0 preamplifier, and its successors, have been so excellent that in some regards they have overshadowed Joseph's other products. Not everyone uses a tube DAC or a phono preamplifier. But everyone will use a power amplifier and, I believe, the amps that I am testing will deliver a musical improvement similar to that of the TP preamplifiers.
I'm in the 845 camp.Having said that I'm just pleased that Joseph continues to move forward with new and innovative products.Enjoy the weekend everyone.
I swapped out the IEC in my 2.1 rnb today and must say that its another step up for better sound and i can see why Joseph chose to use the Furutech gold plated IEC. One thing i did not figure on was the difference in size between the original and the Furutech FI 09. I was using my old file for about an hour and a half to make the hole bigger to fit. Its worth the effort for better sound.

Between the Hifi tuning fuses and the IEC i think the fuses bring more to the table for better sound. I did not get a lot of listening time in yet so i may be jumping the gun. All in all these two items are highly recommended for users of this fine preamp.
I just installed the Hifi-tuning fuse on the power supply board. Already I hear I nice improvement with cleaner delineation of notes. Music just sounds more natural. Excellent for just a $40.00 investment. By the way, I noticed that Victor is selling a like-new 2.2 preamp for someone who lost their job. It is at a bargain price for someone who wants to save almost 50% off retail.
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The site is still operating, but no mention yet of the new amp lines.

The power amplifiers are SETs. So far, an EL34 (~6 watts per channel) and an 845 (~25 watts per channel).
Has anyone who has had an early 2.0 model had to change out the four E88cc tubes yet? Mine are still original Siemens Cca and I don't have a clue how many hours I have on them. I'm curious what to listen for when the tubes are showing their age and need replaced. I'm trying to get the most out of my tubes because they are rare NOS and expensive.
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I have been contemplating getting a decent tube tester. Maybe I'll start looking for a good used one. Thanks.
A review of the new TP 2.2 preamplifier has been published at Positive Feedback Online. Here is the link:

The review is very favorable. Here is the thesis of it.

"I've not come across a product that challenges my notion of what one is paying for, and what one is paying extra for. And let me cut to the chase: this may be the best value in all of high-end audio."

Ryan Coleman is the reviewer.
I had the privilege of beta testing a new product from Audio Horizons a while back. It is the RTS coupler which has just been listed on AÂ’gon last Sunday.

As a long time user of Audio Horizons products (2.0 preamp upgraded to 2.2 and 3.0 DAC upgraded to 3.1) I have always been so impressed with what Joseph and Victor have created. Of course we all know that their customer service is second to none.

I would encourage all of you to go to the ad for the RTS coupler and check it out. I wonÂ’t reiterate my comments about the product here as they are clearly elucidated in the ad. IMO, it is an amazing product that warrants an audition. I know that I could not be without it (actually I have several in the system).
I put in my CCa's about the same time you did, turn the preamp off when not using and have it on about 6 hours per day and the cca's still test very well on my tester and best I can tell no degrading of the sound. I picked up a B&K Model 606 tester for about $100 on ebay in excellent condition at the time I got the cca's and find it perfect for my purposes and easy to use. Hope this helps
Yes, I recall us both putting in the cca's. I also turn my preamp off at night and the average daily use is also about 6 hours. They do still sound very good. I'll look into a used, calibrated B&K 606.
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Hi guys,it's been awhile.Recently acquired a quad of 6H23 Russian military tubes.Manufactured in a collective factory in Kaluga,not Kahula(joke)they are a drop-in replacement for the 6922 tube.Sonically they are as good as my Siemens ECC88's but do not have the finesse of a CCa.For something different and everyday use they're a perfect fit.
It's interesting to me to note that recent comments on this thread concern tube rolling.

One of the attributes of the TP 2.2 that most enthused the PositiveFeedback reviewer (see my 6/5 post for link) is the responsiveness of the TP 2.2 to tube selection.

We are living what the reviewer described.
Whatchu talkin' bout, Mark? You sold your preamp. Are you going with The Dude now? I would love to hear your impressions. (o:
It has happened twice!
Positive-Feedback has published a second review of the Audio Horizons TP2.2 preamplifier.

Something else happened twice!
Both reviewers liked the preamplifier so much that they bought it.

I think the reviews are interesting because they come at the preamp from different perspectives. The review published last month focused on the engineering qualities of the preamp. The review this month focuses on the user experience.

Here is the link to the latest review:
Here's a tip, after reading in the last review that mass loading was helpful, I put three heavy marble bookends on top of my AH2.0, which sits on top of three Hyperion Magnetic floater discs. It worked! The sound is more relaxed,natural, and focused.
After years of satisfaction, and a bit reluctant to change since I was so pleased already, I am sending in my unit for a full upgrade (power supply, Clarity Caps, Vishay, fuses and fuse holder, Furmen IEC etc. to bring my unit up to the level of a 2.2nBcvg. as always Victor was great at helping me decide. Wish me luck!
Hey! Good luck, Joe. Let us know how it sounds when you get it resettled into your system.
Curiously missing from the latest review was any comparison to any other pre-amp, despite the fact the reviewer had two EAR pre-amps in his system. Given the price point of the EAR pre-amps, and the piece under review, a direct comparison would have been appropriate. I understand the reviewer purchased the unit, but people buy components for different reasons, not all to replace an existing piece. A comparison would have been helpful, and was curiously missing.
Because its not my job to contact the reviewer and ask him what he thought "between the lines." Its the reviewers job to write an informative review that includes comparisons with other similarly priced components. When those comparisons are not in the review I begin to think nasty thoughts like the reviewer did not want to offend the manufacturer of the previously prized piece. Why should I ask him for something he should have included in the review in the first place?
Suit yourself. I have found sometimes people are willing to be quite helpfully chatty of the record if approached in a friendly manner.
One of the reviewers, although he wasn't specific, did mention that the new TP 2.2 sounded better than some preamps costing several thousand $$$ more.
But what are those pieces which "costs several thousands more?" And why are they not mentioned in the review? I am not suggesting the review is wrong, but it certainly helps his credibility, the consumer's pool of information, to write "the Audio Horizons pre-amp sounded like.....compared to the .....preamp which I have heard in my system for ....months/years. Overall, I liked ......preamp better."

Rather than ask me why I don't contact the reviewer to ask him to tell me what should be, but is not, contained in the review, perhaps you can provide me reasons the information is not is not in the review in the first place?
Jamesgarvin, I understand that it would help you form a point of reference had the reviewer made specific comparisons, but they didn't. Maybe you should take Audio Horizons up on their free trial offer and report back on your impressions of how their preamp compares with those you have heard?
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