Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.
Oh, great! How about us poor dolts that already have an older model in need of upgrading? I know the economy's tough, Joseph. Please pass the savings on to current owners as well.
I too just found out yesterday that the discounted upgrade
is for new customers only ;o( I got excited for nothing,
oh well. I totally agree with Sherod's comment "Joseph, Please pass the savings on to the current owners as well"
Pretty please...
I am also just ready to jump on the upgrades, but unless discounted I will have to wait some more and I hate waiting for the treasure that comes from AH. My business is off during the recession and two kids will be in college soon.
Just a reminder to new as well as current AH preamp owners that the AH preamp does indeed invert phase and simply reversing your speaker cable polarity corrects this issue.
Hi guys,I just acquired a second Audio Horizons TP 2.0n from one of the club members who will remain anonymous at this time.This particular unit, in addition to the install of Clarity caps also has the larger transformer,power supply and a Furtech pc plug.Other tweaks engineered into this particular unit make up what I believe has been called harmonic realignment.The quad tube complement of Siemens CCa's is the same employed in my original AH so no changes there.
I'm now on day 3 now and I can tell you that the word floated by Sherod in descrbing the sound as "relaxed" is on point.
Bass is deeper and more well defined and there is that extra level of detail which provides a deeper richer musical experience.Those are my original impressions I will post additional comments after more listening sessions.And for those of you wondering what happened to my original 2.0, it was sold to a fellow Canadian who has been following this thread for awhile.He's replacing a Bryston BP-20,I think he's in for a pleasant suprise.

Thanks for the update. Meanwhile, I continue to listen to iterations of Joseph's SET power amp - and they continue to improve. I understand that within the next few weeks I will listen to a SET power amp with a different tube complement and more power. I'm looking forward to the audition even though I haven't felt any loss of SPL from the lower watt SET.

As Nelson Pass has memorialized in his "First Watt" amplifier series, almost all of what we will ever want to hear is delivered in the first few watts.
Hey Mark! I'm glad to see that you found a deal on an upgraded 2.0 model. Enjoy the music. By the way. Has anyone spoken with Victor lately? He was to post upgrade and update information a while back and he has disappeared from this thread. I hope he's all right.
Since acquiring my second fully modified AH pre amp I rotated out the rca interconnects,Siver Audio 4.0's and rotated in the balanced version 6.0's.Pleased with the results,lower noise floor,blacker blacks.
I'm curious as to why that is,better isolation?Comments
That is part of the design of the balanced interconnection. They call it common-mode noise rejection. It lowers noise level. It's a more expensive solution because it requires balanced mode output transformers in the preamp.

Here is a link that will offer more information
Thanks for posting on the upgrades. I am watching feedback on the upgrades very closely because my original AH is so good to my ears that I don't want to ruin it. Sounds like Joseph was able to preserve what we like about the AH and enhance beyond that substantially. I also hear that Nuforce has come up with an upgrade to their Reference V2SE that brings in the good qualities of sound found in high dollar tube amps. Which upgrade to choose amp or preamp? Any input?
Just enjoy what you have now in your system and send the extra money to your kids in college. (o: ( I'm just kidding, okay?)
Gummajo i am going with V3 upgrade before pulling the plug on upgrading my 2.1. Not to dis this thread with other Manufacturing talk but the price is right and the prior 2 upgrades SE and V 2 were good moves to a better sound i cant pass V 3 up.
I m so happy with my 2.1 i feel the same way dont want to mess up a good thing for now.
Please be sure to lets us know what you think of the V3 as there are several of us with the AH-Nuforce combo. I agree that my guess is that the Nuforce, while having great clarity and control has more way to go toward natural organic sound

Sherod - I was hoping that they would send me money. By the time that happens we will probably be listening through brain implants:)
Well, here I go again about to experiment with yet another cap in the output stage, the venerable Duelund VSF copper. This should be an interesting comparison to the current Claritycap MR caps. I'll post some results in a couple of weeks after some break-in. Stay tuned.
Here is an update on development of Joseph's SET amplifiers. I have been listening to an EL34 SET amplifier in a compact chassis that uses 5 tubes (2 each EL34 as power tubes). Previously I described the very good music I received from it. Low power and very good sound - dead quiet as are all of Joseph's products.

A couple of weeks ago, Joseph brought a new SET amplifier that he wanted to listen to in my system. It had a larger chassis, 6 tubes (2 each EL34 power tubes), several transformers; it must have weighed more than 50 lbs. We listened to it for about 1 hour. It was much better than the amp I have been testing. More detail, more bass control, more air in upper frequencies; a lovely midrange.

The following week, I had shoulder surgery, so I've been laid up at home. On Friday Joseph called to ask if I wanted to listen to another amplifier, different from the first two amps. He brought me to his listening room, where I listened to his system for about an hour.

This third amplifier was in the larger chassis and used 845 power tubes with multiple transformers. More powerful bass control and better high frequencies; however, I thought that the midrange of the 845 amplifier was not as open as that of the larger (second) EL34 amplifier.

There are two SET amplifiers under development. Both are larger (and better sounding) than the sample to which I have been listening. The amp I have been testing appears to have been a prototype for the two subsequent amps. Joseph told that the peak power of the new SET amps I heard - and which may not be the final versions - are <10 watts (EL34) and <40 watts (845), respectively.
Thanks for sharing your listening tests of Joseph's new prototype amps. Hopefully, once you recuperate from your shoulder surgery, you'll be able to listen to the 845 tube amp in your own system to do a better comparison with the two EL34 versions. By the way, is Victor still involved with AH? He's been quiet for a while here on our thread.
Well for selfish reasons I'm behind the development of the 845 tube amp.The alternative would mean my speakers have to go.Thanx for sharing and don't get hooked on pain killers.
The latest version of the Audio Horizon's preamplifier, the TP 2.2, has received a "Writer's Choice Award" from Positive Feedback web magazine.

Here is the link

Scroll down about about 75% of the way to the section of Jeff Parks. Apparently Positive Feedback will publish a review of the TP 2.2 in the next 30 days or so.
This new TP 2.2 version isn't even on their web site yet. Cedar, have you had an opportunity to evaluate and compare this new version to your current version? I'd be interested in knowing what your impressions are. Thanks.
No, I have not listened to the TP 2.2 in my system. I heard it in Joseph's system. As I reported in October, Joseph invited me to listen to the 845 SET amplifier in his system. I did not audition the TP 2.2 at that time, although a TP 2.2 engineering sample was working with the 845 amp, I believe. We'll have to watch for the Positive Feedback review of the TP 2.2.

Yesterday, I listened to an improved 845 SET amp in my system for the first time. I will say more about that event in my next post.
Here are my comments about the 845 SET amplifier.

My system includes the following components:
SONOS digital music source with Audio Horizons power supply upgrade
Audio Horizons TD 3.0, upgraded by Joseph in various ways including a chip set that upsamples to 192kHz
Audio Horizons TP 2.0, upgraded by Joseph in various ways.
Audio Horizons cables: digital single ended SONOS to DAC; balanced DAC to preamp
I used single ended cables to the amplifier prototype because it was not wired for balanced inputs yet.
Coincident Super Eclipse Mk II loudspeakers (28Hz- 35kHz; high impedance; 92 dB)

The power tubes were 845s; the driver tubes (initially) were 6L6s.

After letting the equipment warm up, we began by playing the reference quality recordings which serve me as a baseline for comparing component performance. Immediately a difference appeared. From the first deep bass notes, resonances came from a nearby window frame. I resealed the window and adjusted a curtain. The low frequency energy was powerful but in balance with the mids and highs. I had not played an amplifier that got such a deep, full response out of my speakers before - not even solid state amplifiers. This amplifier has 4 ohm and 8 ohm output taps. We used the 8 ohm tap.

For about 30 minutes we listened to various recordings, trying to cover the gamut of music types and ensembles. The only boundary of the soundstage was the room itself. The depth was very good. I was struck by how well positioned instruments and voices were. Recordings which, with other amplifiers had tended to be too forward or too recessed, were not so with this one. This sound staging was excellent

The music was big, powerful when appropriate, tonally balanced, but to my ear had an unwanted tightness in the frequencies of the female voice. We paused to discuss that issue. Joseph heard it, too. Joseph suggested that we substitute EL34s for the 6L6s as driver tubes.

The improvement was immediate and exactly what was wanted. The voice opened up completely. Imagine Renee Fleming in your listening room singing "Chi il bel sogno di Doretta" from La Rondine (Fleming, The Beautiful Voice). That is what I seemed to hear. It was wonderful!

I cannot speak about rap music because I have none, but the orchestral, instrumental, classical, jazz, country, American standard, blues, rock, etc. sounded great through the amplifier.

Which amplifier do I prefer - the EL34 low power SET or this more powerful 845 SET? I'm not sure yet. Like Joseph's other products, both amps are very responsive to tube selection. Maybe the question will hinge on how loudly I want to play my music. To me 90dB is loud. Both amplifiers played that loud in my system - the 845 could have played much louder in my system. For people with less efficient speakers than mine, the 845 would make good sense.

These amplifiers do credit to Joseph. I think they are excellent products and I certainly will buy one or the other of them when they come to market.
Joseph has been very value conscious with his products. I expect him to continue to be with a power amplifier, too. I'm sure to get what I pay for and more. But for this much value, I would expect to pay a good bit.
On a recent trip to Toronto I purchased a PC from a new player in cabling.The website is Steven Huang,the owner and master cable builder(what else would you call him)provided me with a tutorial on the science of enery transfer.I purchased his premium PC $385,cooked for a week.Results,more transparency and better bass articulation.
For the price it was an absolute steal.I've ordered a pair of his balanced testiment cables,$300.Will share my impressions thereafter.Happy Holidays everyone.
Hey Mark! I'm glad to see that you found a new cord to help make your system sing. It's been quiet on this thread lately. I hope you all have a very happy and safe holiday season.
I wish Joseph would shed more light on his product development work. I understand that he has developed a new "top of the line" power cord and interconnect, but hasn't promoted it yet. I understand, also, that he is preparing to introduce improvements to his phono preamp.

Of course, I'm waiting for his SET power amp introduction. As I understand the coming power amps, there are EL34 and 845 based products. I have heard two versions of the EL34 SET and one version of the 845 amp. The samples to which I listened have been returned, so I hope that he will prepare final versions of whatever the products will be, and begin to accept orders.
Since you live in the same city as Joseph, and not too far, maybe you can update us on Joseph's new endeavors. I'm assuming that Victor has moved on to other ventures since he doesn't post here anymore. I e-mailed him last week to see how he's doing and no response yet. Usually he's quick to answer my e-mails. Joseph is a great designer as well as modifier/upgrader of various types of components, but does he have the marketing savvy to properly give his products exposure? I'm still waiting for the new review of his TP 3.0(?) preamp. Apparently it uses the Claritycap MR caps in the outputs along with other upgrades. It would be nice if Joseph mentioned these upgrades in his web site.

In my 12/21 post, you learned most of what I have heard about the future products. Your post reminded me that I forgot to mention the TP 2.2 preamplifier. I looked at the Positive-Feedback site but they have not yet published a review of the new preamp, which was recognized with a Writer's Choice Award recently.

I spoke with Joseph after the 12/21 post. Again, he expressed pleasure and excitement about his latest interconnect, power cord, and phono preamplifier products - none of which has been announced officially, as far as I can tell.

I made an internet search under "audio horizons" in order to learn more. What I learned is that someone else has established an "Audio Horizons Inc." web site. That is NOT Joseph.

Regarding marketing savvy, what I see is that Joseph invests himself in designing and producing excellent audio products. It's clear that is where Joseph's strength lies. The product marketing communication comes in brief bursts. For example, he upgraded his website substantially about a year ago. But it is rather static.

Enthusiastic Audio Horizon customers have been the most constant source of product communication. I hope that Joseph gives us some new products soon, so that we can enjoy them and talk about them.
Ever give any thoughts to an exciting career with Audio Horizons as their pitch man.Happy New year guys.
As Sherod suggested in December, here is the latest information I have regarding Audio Horizon product development.
Joseph brought three new products to me to audition. I had seen one of them, an EL34 SET amplifier in an earlier version. The others were a single ended (unbalanced; RCA type connectors) interconnect, and a power cord.

Here is what I observed:
Power amplifier: Previously I had auditioned two versions of an EL34 SET. I identified them as a small chassis version and a large chassis version. There were many differences between them. The large chassis version was superior to the small chassis version. Joseph brought an improved small chassis version for this audition. Joseph told me that the amplifier has some different components. For example, there is a new coupling capacitor (not Clarity) and a new choke. Previously, I very much liked the large chassis version of the EL34 - if he ever gets around to selling one, I want to buy it. In the case of this small chassis version now, I think he has closed the gap between the two versions by about half. The soundstage of the small chassis version is a bit smaller and less deep than the large chassis version. Since I did not have both versions to compare, I'm vaguer about other distinctions between them.
We compared two versions of a power cord with Wattgate connectors. The only difference was the length of the power cord (1meter v. 2 meters). Joseph's interconnects and power cords are grouped into classes. The highest class is called Dimension. This power cord is in the Dimension class. The 2 meter version audibly improved the amplifier performance, to my ear particularly in the the resolution and openness of the highest frequencies.
Here is the surprise (to me). The 1 meter version caused the amplifier output to be less resolved and open than the 2 meter version. The difference was fairly pronounced.
We auditioned another 2 meter power cord. This version had Furutech connectors (the first 2 meter power cord had Wattgate connectors). The Furutech connectors improved the sound even more. The Furutech connectors appeared to have a copper plating on the metal tines.
I gathered that the unbalanced interconnect is intended to be an improved version of the current Dimension unbalanced interconnect. I had only unbalanced Transparency (a lower class of Audio Horizons interconnect) cables with which to compare it. There was really no comparison. The new interconnect was much better in every attribute I associate with an interconnect. Since I use balanced interconnects in my system, I probably won't take advantage of this improvement.

It appears to me that Joseph is not a person to be moved by immediate commercial considerations. I have hoped that he would bring an amplifier product to market soon. Yet, he continues to improve and refine his work. He told me that he is dissatisfied with his 845 SET prototype (see my earlier post) but that the EL34 is getting close to his objective. I don't know what motivated him to start on power cords and interconnects, but I did ask him to accept an order for three 2 meter Dimension powercords with Furutech connectors in the event that he finished development of them.

That is the latest news that I have to share.
Thanks Cedar for your update, i have a Transparency PC now on my 2.1. Sounds like Joseph is doing what he can to make a good item even better by refining it. I like what i m hearing using his Dimension ics with my gear good sound and well built.
Is Victor no longer associated with Audio Horizons? I haven't seen him post in a good while.
I received an e-mail from Victor recently and his wife just had knee replacement, so he's been busy caring for her. He didn't mention his current association with Joseph, but Victor had told me a few years ago that he would retire and write books once Joseph felt comfortable on his own. Victor was just temporarily in the loop to help Joseph with advertising, promotions and communications. Victor has been following these threads so maybe he will post soon and fill everyone in on his current status. He also told me that he had problems with his e-mails and didn't receive some of them in case anyone has written him lately. He said it has been fixed so he should be able to receive e-mails now. Victor, if you are still following this thread, I hope your wife has a fast recovery and gets well soon. (o:

Great info on what Victor is working on. By the way, if anyone is interested in The Transparency power cord with Oyaide connectors, I have one available.
Pursuant to Cedars comments I find that I am devoting more time and interest in PC's and interconnects.I had occasion to meet Steve Huang,a cable maker,what else would you call him,artisan cable maker? sensei?Anyway to my point.I spent several hours listening to a mano to mano tutorial on energy transfer and application in audio systems.I should add that Steve is a Metallurgist and a Chemical Engineer.From Cedars comments re Joseph's interest in cabling I sense both are on the same wavelength.For those who are interested,and I have no affiliation with Steve's products,his website is have acquired both a premium PC and balanced interconnects with more than favourable results.Now if I could just find a way to get Joseph and Steve together.
In response to the question put by Gamecock and Sherod, let me assure everyone that I am well and still working with Joseph. I have been distracted with some other matters, but am now working on the literature describing Joseph's new 2010 products--a new preamp, a new DAC, a new phono stage, new cables, and soon, one or more SET amps. Ads with more detail should be breaking within 3-6 weeks.
Thanks for your continuing interest in Audio Horizons. Joseph and I both appreciate it.
Glad to hear you are still on the AH team because it is such a pleasure to communicate with you
I have a brief report for you regarding development of the Audio Horizons power cord and the preamplifier.

In my 1/21 post I described the results of power cord testing that involved two different connector types (Wattgate and Furutech) and two different lengths of power cord (1m and 2m). Based on those comparisons, I preferred the Furutech connector and the 2m cable length.

Later Joseph returned with another 1m version of the power cord. I gathered he believed that cable capacitance had adversely affected the 1m performance in the first test. For this second test he had adjusted the 1m cable capacitance. The result was a performance that I could not distinguish from the 2m cable of the first test. Subsequently, I purchased three 1m power cords (with Furutech connectors) to power my DAC, preamp, and power amp). The most pronounced effect in my system has been to sharpen the focus of individual instruments (their discrete location) on the sound stage.

Joseph returned with a modified preamplifier, too. I believe I listened to what will be produced as the TP 2.2. I did not get to listen to the preamplifier for very long. I believe that Joseph came to listen for some particular effect in my system.

Although I cannot yet articulate the effect I heard, I can tell you what my reaction to it was. I lowered the volume setting of my system. I did so without thinking about it - it just seemed at the moment to be the right thing to do. I could hear a musically satisfying performance with all attributes (detail, large soundstage, etc) at a lower volume level.

After a brief listening session, Joseph asked for my reaction. I told him what I have just told you. He was not surprised, he said, because he had done the same thing with his own system.

My interpretation is that the change in the preamplifier allowed my system to work more effectively. Some masking noise or signal imbalance had been eliminated and, consequently, the system delivered a satisfying result with less effort.
Did Joseph mention if he'll have an upgrade program for current owners for the new TP 2.2? I'm curious what changes have been made to the new 2.2 preamp. Are you getting yours upgraded?
Joseph did not discuss with me an upgrade program to the 2.2 It didn't come up in our conversation. He follows a produce development process that is, I'm sure, clear to him. But I can't tell when Joseph is finished with the process.

I have upgraded my preamplifier and DAC as upgrades have been released. But I wait until Joseph suggests that an upgrade may be appropriate for my system. Such a suggestion from Joseph indicates to me that he is done with his development work.

I sense he must be close to it now. Victor would be a better information source, perhaps.
Thanks Cedar so what was talked about months ago with 2.1s upgrade is now 2.2 and thats different than what was done with the power supply and other parts of 2.1 then is that right. I use Dimension power cords Cedar can you compare with Josephs new design. just checked the web site and theres nothing new there. will keep an eye on this thread.
I'd like to see Joseph design and produce an integrated amp based on his vacuum tube designs. It would be glorious!

In my 11/15/09 post I reported that Positive Feedback had announced an award for the new TP 2.2. You will find the link to the article in my post. I think the writer who praised the 2.2 still intends to publish a review. I check the site each month in hope of finding it.

My former power cords were not the Dimension poswer cords, so I cannot say how the new power cords would compare to the Dimensions.
I don't follow Postive Feedback much, but is it normal for them to give a product like a preamp an award without a review? It's been three months since that announcement, yet no more discussion about it from PF. Also, is the reason Joseph hasn't announced the introduction of the TP 2.2 on his website because it is still in the fine-tuning stages? I have begun to become a little disillusioned lately with the two gentlemen at AH. Victor has from time to time made posts on this thread of future announcements of things and they never came. If you, like me, have followed this thread, you know what I'm referring to. )o:

I see in Victor's 1/26/10 post an answer to part of your concern. There he said he was working on ad copy for several new products and expected the information to be released in 3-6 weeks. It seems likely we will learn the full story around the end of February.

The award to which I referred was recognition from a Positive Feedback writer who was in the process of developing a review of the TP 2.2. Although I've never published a review in a magazine, I've read enough of them to come to understand that the timing of publication can be impacted by many different forces - some in the writer's control; some beyond that control.
The good news is that we are not suffering from a lack of good music. What I feel is only an impatience for even better music.
For me now with my upgraded amps and using 2.1 i am most definitely not suffering from lack of music in fact i am in total musical joy with my system. I know from posts above on the power supply upgrade and clarity caps which with shrods help i added to my 2.1 i could not be any happier with Audio Horizons and looking forward to hearing what 2.2 is and will bring. Sometime change is good and then it can be a step backward so i will be checking on the progress of 2.2.
I was just looking at a photo of the insides of a TP 2.1 preamp in a current AH ad. The link is to a photo. I'm curious of what changes have been made lately. Based on the photo, it looks like the power supply board has been changed back to the TP 2.0 version. Also, the caps look like something new, not the wax-type with copper foil wrap that were previously in there.