Audio Horizons TP 2.0 Preamplifier

Anyone famaliar with the manufacturer,and in particular
this pre amp.The credentials and testimonials seem
impressive.The advertised 10 day audition is appealing.

Showing 10 responses by jgy1

Hello Folks! I just wanted to thank everyone here who have
posted their positive reviews and comments on the AH TP2.0
I stumble upon this tread several weeks ago and read all the
posts and became very curious. I guess this makes me the newest TP2.0 member. I picked up my preamp at Joseph's
house on 4/7 my unit is the TP2.0nB with the upgraded siemens 6922 on the number 1 and 3 (2 and 4 stock tube). I
was not able to listen to the preamp until around 9:30ish
that night, right out of the box this thing sounded good. I
had this big fat grin on my face knowing that I had stumble
upon something special. I was tempted to call Joseph that
night around 11:30ish to let him know how much I was enjoying his preamp but I did not call fearing I might wake
up his family. On the third day I called Joseph to inform
him to cash my check! It was too obvious not to pass on this
great preamp. As far the sound I am currently experiencing it has been said and noted before and I truly have to agree
with everyone's posts so therefore I won't need to say what
has been said before except this baby is mine and it's special.

my humble system consists of:

resolution audio cd55
ah tp2.0nB (replaced the krell krc3)
dynaudio c1
krell fpb200
rega p3 with aurum beta-s cart.
musical surrounding phonomena phono preamp
cables are tara labs: xlr decade and air 1 speaker cables

I am currently auditioning the Transparency interconnect
so far it is winning me over.

Thank You Victor and Joseph you guys are
awesome and true gentlemen..

Thanks Guys, I feel like I'm in a private club with
the classiest people around.

Rx8man ~ I've heard or seen that name before but I'm not familiar with
JoJo Gunne's music.
gentlemen thought i might put my 2 cents worth on this thread regarding the upgrade. i have the upgraded 2.1nB which has about 130 hours so far in my opinion the unit
blossomed after 120 hours. in comparing the old 2.0nB vs.
2.1nB i much prefer the latter. to my ears the 2.1nB sounds
much nicer, more complete. i've compared it to my previous
preamp krell krc3 hands down it sounded 3-4 times better. the krell sounded flat, no emotion, just plain. to my recollection when i compared my old 2.0nB to the krell krc3 the ah was only 1-1/2 to 2 times better. bottom line is i've noticed a big improvement with the upgraded unit and with due time i believe it will sound even better.
hi ralphcast ~ i have the dynaudio c-1 and the tp 2.0nB and later
upgraded to 2.1nB. The upgrade brought the c-1 to another level. It made
the c-1 sound bigger, i.e. more bass, midbass the presentation is broader and sweeter. i'm really happy with the sound after the upgrade. Just remember with the new upgrade the 2.1 takes a longer time to break in as opposed to the 2.0 you will definately start hearing the improvement after 120 plus hours. if you go with the 2.1nB pls let me know what your thoughs are after the break in period. thx
hi ralph ~ nice to hear from you. i'm glad to hear that
you are very safistied with what you are hearing so far
btw, the sound will improve as more time permits and the smile on your face will become bigger :o) i totally agree with you and bill "grannyring" regarding the ah cables. i too own the transparency xlr cables, and the harmony speaker cables they both bested more expensive and over priced cables. i am currently saving some funds for the ah phono preamp to replace my older ms phonomena. one more thing has anyone here tried the ah tube buffer?
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all you folks out there...
hi all ah members, i'm still here and i'm still quite happy with my ah2.1nB as of matter of fact i have upgraded my amplifier from a krell fbp200 to plinius sa103 all i can say is wow what a tremendous difference in sound, so smooth,
it seems like i listen to my music a little bit louder now since the upgrade, no listening fatigue what so ever. the
plinius sa103 and the ah2.1nB has great synergy together. i am currently using sovtek ah30pi tubes on #1 & #3 i know one ah user have switched to ah30dr with good result, has anyone else tried the ah30dr? and what are your thoughts, just curious to hear what others have to say, since i'm still tempted to try the ah30r.
hi sherod ~ sorry for the late reply. not sure about
the answer regarding the sovtek since i don't know much
about tubes. i got my ah with eh tubes on #2&3 with the
low noise siemens on #1&3 but later switched to the sovtek
6h30pi after hearing a more favorable difference. i'm still deciding whether to upgrade to the 6h30dr hence my previous inquiry, i'm also considering the nos siemens cca, maybe i should pay joseph a visit soon in order to compare the two different sounding aforementioned tubes, it has been a while since i paid joseph a visit, i hear also that he's a quite ping pong player will see about that :o).
sherod ~ joseph is aware of my usage of the 6h30pi, thx for the page reference.
I just wanted to say Hi to all the AH family outhere. Glad
to see this thread is alive again. FYI, I'm still quite happy with my AH 2.1nB preamp. Like others I am very curious in regards to the upcoming updgrade.
I too just found out yesterday that the discounted upgrade
is for new customers only ;o( I got excited for nothing,
oh well. I totally agree with Sherod's comment "Joseph, Please pass the savings on to the current owners as well"
Pretty please...