Attn Vinyl lovers - what CD Player do you use?

While reading through the many threads on Vinyl vs. CD, I thought it might be interesting to see what CD transports/players Vinyl fans use when not listening to their analog rig?
Although I love my vinyl,I wanted to experience music I could no longer purchase unless it was on cd.I wanted a unit that could hold up over the years,was built well,sounded very good,and had a good pedigree.I bought a Levinson 390s and am extremely happy with it.Don't care about sacd,If I want to overdose on quality sound I just play my lp's.
At home, I play records almost exclusively. On occasion, I use a 6 year old Arcam CD72 and have plans to upgrade in about ten - fifteen years. At work in my office, I have a Sony Discman / Tivoli radio combo.
Audio Aero Capitole MkII. The only piece in my system that I have no desire to upgrade or change. It is that good, period!
Shanling T-200 with full on "Tube Research Labs" mods. Fantastic player in a one box solution... Hard to beat for anything under $15K
TEAC T1 transport and Apogee DA-1000E-20 DAC. I've added an isolation transformer and I'm experimenting with digital interconnects, but these two sound terrific with nothing better than an Apogee Wyde Eye.
Linn Ikemi, I purchased it based on it's analog sound or non-digital sound. All though I would like to get a universal player that sounds as good on redbook the only one I have heard that comes close is the Escoteric DV50 in full upsample mode.
Currently the RA Opus 21 in my main system which was built around my Walker Proscenium Gold turntable.
I am really happy with this purchase, and don't plan to upgrade. Very dynamic, everything digital should be.
Ack dAck! 1.0. Replaced a $6000 DAC. Smooth, warm and open. As close to vinyl as I've heard digital sound.
Sony XA-777ES (SACD/CD player) and Toshiba 3950 with Ack dAck! The mildly modded 3950 with Ack dAck! is my preferred setup for Redbook discs, believe it or not.
EVS DAC and Marantz cc43 transport. Doesn't sound like vinyl, but it sounds like pretty resolving redbook. Good enough to not worry about upgrades. I juat wanted something competent and as high-end as I could get for minimal money invested. About $450 altogether including digital interconnect and power cord. Not bad.

Looks like Peterb has a nice setup. Congrats. The Audiomeca are supposed to be very analog sounding. I've heard the $2k Obsession CD player and liked it a lot.

I don't have any digital rig.

I listen to digital in the car, or in my fiancee's home theater system.

When I want to sit down and really do some serious listening(which is the only time that I turn my sytem on), I play vinyl only.
Entec Number Cruncher v3.0 with G&D UTP-1 transport--modified by TG Audio and voiced using Rockport turntable as reference.
I use a Resolution Audio Opus 21, as does my friend.

(So count that as two votes!)