Aragon 8008x5 with Vandersteen 2w

Hello everyone, 
     I know this is a long shot but is anyone using the above combination. I am attempting to find the correct balanced crossover. I have 20K RCA, 150K balanced, these do not sound good. I do have the WX2 box but believe it is defective. I have downloaded the Vandertones and am using a multi-meter to check AC voltage at the speaker. None of that matters if I do not have various capacitors to try. 

So.... since I do not know the correct input impedance for this amp, does anyone have one they are using successfully with a 2w series sub-woofer?

PS, the advertised spec I found for the amplifier is 22K single ended. The 20K single ended crossover does not sound or measure correctly. I believe the impedance for the 8008x5 may be different from an 8008. Speakers are Vandersteen 2ci.

Thanks in advance!       
I am sure the Sub three sounds amazing. I would love an opportunity to hear one. In the meantime I will enjoy what I have and keep an eye open for upgrade opportunities. 
I apologize for the late response. I usually do not try to type a response on my phone, the computer is so much easier. 

The crossover is really nothing special, a capacitor is soldered in place between the two signal carrying wires. The ground wire is extended as needed. For now I simply used heat shrink tubing to protect against the wires shorting together. Later I will make a more secure enclosure.    

Well.... this was of course so point of debate and applied science during the run up to remodel of the condo and selecting speakers... having Model 7 and also not being a very loud listener can inform with real data just what real 30 cycle performance at 75 dB looks like a floor below.
i put in a double layer of cork / magic stuff over the concrete slap and under the engineered hardwood floor.
i know the neighbor below and her unit is for sale ( and has been )
but as you say the siren song of the 3 is strong...
i think I know a guy with a loaner...

i have my Audiotools RTA
i love real data....
Those Sub 3's have me drooling. 
@tomic601 ,
I doubt they will get you evicted, but just provide that bit of oompf that the Treo's can't deliver due to size. Even my 2wq's are not producing notes that would consider offensive to other dwellers- And, yes, I went in the basement, as well as the second floor. But, to be fair, I really don't crank it up- Just normal listening levels.
Johnny R
yes the new sub 3 is killer - have heard it here on West Coast 
i am a home theater idiot and shall stay that way, yes that was the sub I was referring to

i would pair the sub 3 with my Treo CT except that i would get evicted....ha

You could be referring to the V2W RCA input Dedicated Home theatre sub.
Yesterday running new Vandersteen Sub 3 offers Analog Room Compensation, tuned, linked with Vandy hi pass units dialed in .707  Vandersteen 2 sig IIs all in at 6.2 K at this level I promise not a speaker in sight of 14 K and many others over will get near this thing w hours of love the music.
All who walked in and sat down were smiling and laughing at the soundstage.
 Best JohnnyR
on the subject of W vs. WQ I believe the W is more of a slam / bam HT sub, and the WQ is much more accurate.....
@jwmorris ,
No problem. I am glad you have found your solution. 
I am particularly impressed by your ability to make your own crossover.
Please do post some images of it.
@gdnrbob Thank you again for lending me your crossover and for answering my many questions. It takes a special person to trust someone they never met. 


Hello everyone,

     I thought it might be useful to others to update this thread. Based on the readings I made earlier I ordered .039 Audionote tin foil capacitors. I soldered one capacitor per leg to the signal carrying wires of an XLR cable. That did not work. The voltage drop was wrong and the sound was too.  

     I then tried wiring the capacitors in parallel to double the capacitance (.078). To do this I used a parallel set for each leg of a balanced cable. Four capacitors made one cable. Since I already had the four capacitors, and suspected the impedance to have doubled, I thought it was a worthwhile experiment. This setup got me much closer to the desired voltage drop.  

     I then ordered Audionote tin foil .082 capacitors. I chose Audionote because they offered the closest to the capacitance I needed for a reasonable price. Success! One Audionote capacitor per signal leg gives me a .27 voltage drop. That is close enough for me. I will allow the caps to break in for a while and then decide if I need to find a higher quality cap. For now I like what I am hearing. Better highs, and more midrange impact. I believe that .080 would give me the preferred drop of .3 volts. I have not found a capacitor of that value searching on line.          

     I believe the Aragon 8008x5 has an input impedance of 50K single ended, and 100K balanced.  I made my cables using Nuetrik connectors and Canare cable.    

Thanks for all the help!

The WX2 I lent you was from a Vandy 2w sub from about 20 years ago (serial # 4K). 
So, if you found it stable, then something went wonky with the one you have. Perhaps Johnny or Mr. V. could provide some info?
I was going to call Johnny R and get his feelings on upgrading/checking my subs. I just got a pair of 2WQ's (about 4 yrs old), and can tell that there is a difference between the 2W and 2WQ. Whether it is due to the 'Q' or that the 2W's are so long in the tooth, I don't know, but I think taking them to Johnny for an overhaul couldn't hurt. I'll post what I find out.
I recall Mr. V telling me that if they make a 'thump' when you plug them in, then they are working. 
Hello everyone, I was able to borrow a WX2 from gdnrbob and do some more testing. Thanks gdnrbob! I measured the following using a Sears multi-meter. In each case my ears confirmed what the meter was telling me. All readings are using track 31 of the Vandertones after setting track 27 to the appropriate 1 volt AC reading. 

200k settings     .26 volts 
100k settings     .487 volts
50k settings      .755 volts 
33k settings      .849 volts
20k settings      1.050 volts 

Based on those readings I will buy a new or used 50K crossover. I believe the advertised impedance of 44k balanced for the Aragon 8008, is actually 44k single ended for the Aragon 8008x5.

One concern I have is if my crossover was old enough to read incorrectly, it is very possible my sub-woofer is not operating within specifications. If my sub-woofer is out of spec will it throw off the voltage readings? I will cross that bridge later.   

I will post pictures of the old crossover versus the newer one at a later date. Happy Thanksgiving!    
What kind of Voltmeter?
  FYI Harbour freight has a decent one for 23 bucks.
 Best JohnnyR
I promise I am not ignoring advice from Richard or John at audioconnection. When I spoke with Richard he even suggested I call Johhn (audioconnection), that speaks volumes!

I have tried to connect the sub several times over several months via RCA (single ended). 

I believe I have a bad WX2 (temporary) crossover because my voltage readings change without me making changes in the WX2. 

What I need is a known good WX2 to determine the correct crossover to order. The dealer closest to me did not have a WX2 to lend.  

For the record I have a history of electronics repair, installation, and troubleshooting. I have also used the sub-woofer successfully with other amplifiers.

I came here knowing I would receive good advice and acknowledging I may be making a mistake. I appreciate all the help, and I have not given up yet. Thanks to all that have replied. 
(((I just spoke with Richard on the phone. He believes the problem with the using the 2w with the Aragon balanced circuit may be in the design of the amplifier.
He suggests that I attempt to get the combination running using single ended connections.)))

 A This is exactly the same advice twice
 What were your voltage readings with the RCA X 2 Box at 50 K ?
 Best JohnnyR
Have you tried 44K?   I have an Ayre amp that I have to double the output impedance when using balanced to correctly use my Vandersteens.  ....just a guess.
Post removed 
No I have not corrected the issue yet. I am going to take a break from the problem and address it again in the future. I may order a variety of capacitors to wire in and see if that works. I still believe I have a bad WX2 or the amplifier is just not compatible with the sub-woofer system.   

Thanks for asking! If I get it figured out I will let the forum know. 
Don't forget to use the xlr shorting pins for the channels that will be used with rca output.
I just spoke with Richard on the phone. He believes the problem with the using the 2w with the Aragon balanced circuit may be in the design of the amplifier. He suggest that I attempt to get the combination running using single ended connections. 

Thanks for the replies everyone! I do believe I am performing the procedure correctly. I have used the sub-woofer with 2 other amplifiers with no problems.  
(((I do have the WX2 box but believe it is defective.))
((( None of that matters if I do not have various capacitors to try.)))

This is what the assessment Box does it finds out what the correct
settings are.
Some folks can have the switch backwards all are set to open except the dip switches for that specific input impedance setting.

Its real simple set the dip switches to close at 50 K in the WX2 Box
Install the assessment box temporary trial unit with your preamp outputs running into the input RCA ((( Input))) section of the box take the (((output))) of the box and plug it into your amplifiers RCA inputs.
Grab your Voltmeter and set to AC Volts under 10 scale
Put the red probe into the Left Channels Red Speaker binding post jack
Put the black probe into the Left Channels Black speaker binding post jack
make sure they are snug
Play track 27 on Vandertones and adjust your preamps volume control
to you see 1 Volt AC on the meter. if you cant nail 1 volt get it adjusted so your as close as possible .98 1.05 whatever
Now go to Track 31 and when you see .707 or close to that you nailed it.
This is all the same for Quatros but done at Track 30
Let us know how your doing
or call JohnnyR at Audio Connection

Yes, a phone call is probably my best option. I was hoping to avoid wasting Richard's valuable time with an older product. Thank you! 
Call Vandersteen directly. Richard will call back the next day (usually) and give you the best advice.