Anyone pay 1st price, Even if it's fair ? Poll

As I peruse the ads all too much on Audiogon, I have flat out come to the conclusion, I am better off listing something higher than what it value is, than to list a fair price and list it as a firm price. All too often firm prices get views not offers.

It seems everyone wants to get a deal. I know the very term "fair" will spark some controversy, since the term alone is very subjective.

I'd like to know how others view this. Do you pay a fair price when it is fair to you, or do you still try to get a few bucks off?
Do you list higher than fair,knowing you will be asked to go to your lowere (fair) price?
Just curious,

Showing 2 responses by c123666

Depends on the item. If you are looking at a fairly priced Denon DL103R, 103D, or Dynavector DV17 (fairly priced) I would offer the asking price after missing out on quite a few. For purchase less than 300 bux my inclination is usually to offer the asking price with shipping included; that typically works well.

Seems many sellers, myself included, price things with the expectation that buyers want to "get a deal"; ie, make an offer and play "let's make a deal". That can lead to lots of wasted time if one party is insincere but my experience has been good.

If an item is priced at what seems too high to me given what I've seen in the market and I am interested I will send an email saying something along these lines:

"I know this is a fixed price listing. If you are unable to sell it at your desired price and are willing to negotiate a lower price please contact me". That has responded in several "firm price" items being discounted moderately; usually about 10 to 15% and with shipping thrown in.