Anyone own the Topping e70 Velvet? I just ordered one

I have been quite happy with my Pro-Ject Pre-Box S2 since I purchased it in 2017. I acquired it mainly because it was the first halfway "affordable" MQA capable Dac. At that time, MQA was the savior of hi Rez audio, and I had to try it out. I was not impressed with MQA vs typical, well-recorded 24/96, DSD, and Apple Lossless files. I eventually canceled Tidal in favor of Qobuz and have never turned back. 

My pro-Ject is acting up a bit with the display starting to go bad, plus I want XLR outputs. 

Now, the new purchase will not be an endgame DAC. The E70v is a bridge until I can afford a much higher-end unit for my Luxman 595 anniversary integrated. My dream DAC is the Luxman DA-07x. 


With all that said, how do the owners of the Topping like their E70v? From what I've searched here, there is not much discussion on this DAC




Very impressed with mine, via USB out of a Wiim Ultra.  It's amazing for it's price point.  I can't imagine what more ultra high end DAC's could offer, but I haven't had the chance to compare head to head.

I've been reading the same. The only higher end dacs I have heard were in much higher end systems than mine. So, is it the DAC, or is it the system? The only way to find out is trying one in my own home system. 

After my Topping E30 failed, the E70 Velvet was on my short list as a replacement, but was a bit more than I wanted to spend, but I was tempted! 

I tried a few (E30II, E50, SMSL SU-1), and ended up getting an SMSL C100 with the AK4493 chip set, then upgraded the opamp to a MUSES02, and have added a regulated linear power supply (all in for < $200, and love it)  

I hooked everything in last night using a balanced connection. Just playing different sample rates, the E70V switched with ease with no clicks or noise. I am using the 5 volt setting. Out of the box the e70V sounds really nice. Compared to my Pro-Ject, there seems to be a more "lush" midrange. The Bass extension is just a tad deeper. Of course, the DAC was just turned on and I'm using the factory filter setting. I'm going to let it run a few days in the background and I'll et back to some serious listening this weekend. 

I have the E70 Velvet, but at this time have only used it to run my television optical output through the main system, or my wife using the Bluetooth connection for her music library. I especially like that it defaults to the last input used, and has 12v triggers. 

The e70v is a fine unit, and one of the few using the newer AKM chips. Build quality is great, but the user interface is kind of drag compared with the EverSolo DAC-Z6  my office system. I have not tested one against the other, or compared them to my main system’s DAC (Holo May), but both provide great bang for the buck. The EverSolo’s ease of use (UI), slightly better build quality (case work, screen), would make it my first recommendation in the $450-550 price range. 

The E70v menu is a bit complicated at first. I had to read the manual to get familiar with it. I'm still a little confused about the "stand by" options. I leave my Dacs on 24/7 anyway. So far so good listening to the Dac playing background music. My head is stopped up at the moment. One ear sounds muffled. Hopefully my head cold or whatever clears up by the weekend. 

I now have a Gustard R26 coming tomorrow. I'm looking forward to testing it out as well. If the R26 built in ethernet sounds good (roon), I have a plan for my current Ifi Zen for another system. We'll see, in my system, if the Gustard r26 is worth the extra $$$. I know the R26 and e70v are totally different kinds of Dacs. We'll see which one I will keep (hopefully the e70 V).

I streamed with my R26 using Audirvana software and the sound was really good.  There is a small monthly subscription fee, but you can subscribe month to month, so it doesn't cost much to try it. 

I cancelled the R26. Amazon and the dealer keeps delaying the delivery. I listened to my e70V over the last couple of days and its sounding wonderful. I'm not certain the R26 is $1200 better. I'll use that money toward my subwoofer update. The e70V is a very musical DAC. Much more than my Pro-ject S2.

I've heard good things about the D70 Octo. I may give it a try. The Velvet is sounding really, really good.

I have been listening to hi Rez streams (24/192) of Art Pepper and Chet Baker....tonight and I must say this is DAC is quite enjoyable. The mids and highs are really smooth. The mids have a hint of warmth without sounding muddy. I have not tried an R2R dac, however, I am guessing the E70V has a hint of r2r in the mids. The dac is really revealing. 

I'm going to try an R2R as a second DAC and I'm looking orward to comparing.