Any thoughts on GamuT Audio’s current status?

I noticed GamuT Audio is kind of at an impasse, pausing a bit on electronic production. Perhaps it’s temporary or Dantax is trying to reorganize a bit. Any further information available in the public domain?

The Market is a cruel place! Many good companies have fallen by the wayside! Sales are probably down enough to hurt daily finances. New rich investors needed! Good luck with that!
Post removed 
My friend owned a HI End store on Greenwich Avenue in Greenwich, CT. The wealthiest town in the state! He had all the latest and most costly gear. Beautiful store - I was impressed! And failed after a few years! 
Gamut had to compete with a hundred other companies chasing a dwindling number of the 1%. RIP!
Hi Roberjerman:

I agree the high end market is brutal and more than difficult for manufacturers and dealers. Some manufacturers have gone to direct sales to allow consumers to purchase at what was dealer cost earlier. We’ll have to see how that works out.  Do your comments above relate to any specific information about GamuT.  Thanks!
I probably know as little about Gamut's inner circle as you! Too expensive products for me!
Considering they just joined a new umbrella company and also considering they seem to be focusing a lot more on speakers than electronics lately its not terribly surprising. It also doesn't mean the company is in any trouble just re-focusing or changing things a bit to fit with the other Dantax companies.
I always think the Gamut room at Axpona is one of the best but their prices are pretty high for the stand mount speakers. 
Hi bubba12

Yes; their stand mount speakers seem overpriced. Generally, their speakers have sounded great at shows. I also very much like the organic sound of their amplifiers. (D-200i dual mono and Di-150 LE integrated). Not sure if Dantax will continue their electronics....must not have been selling well...we’ll see. 
The GamuT Audio’s RS3i stand mount speaker is one of the best I’ve heard and yes expensive. I choose the TAD ME1 stand mount for less than half of the price of the GamuT and they’re just as good. 

I heard that precise model (GamuT) at CAF, and was stunned by the sound: my price-no-object best-sounding standmounts there.  So then I looked at the prices of some of their floorstanders, and headed rapidly back to the drawing board.

Their if-you-have-to-ask-you-can't-afford-it model, the Zodiac, got a rave review in Absolute Sound.

Is it possible to get a second hand m250I power amp from here? plz plz connect with me. That's my mailbox,Thank you huys