Any Brands You “Hate” because of a bad dealer experience many years ago?

On another post, someone recommended a product that I would never consider. Why? Because 40 years ago, I had a bad experience at a local dealer, which has tainted me forever, and I could never own that brand. Not because they sounded bad, but because of the way I was treated by the dealer.

ok, you first thought might be to tell me “get over it”, and, well, that is a valid response. You are right in that I may be cheating myself out of a great listening experience.  However, with a myriad of brand option for any given type of equipment, you need some criteria to narrow your field of choices. isn’t this as valid a reason as any? Certainly as valid as aesthetics.

For me, we had a dealer who sold Macintosh and Luxman.  If you owned (or considered) owning anything else he thought you were stupid, and treated you as such (In my opinion/experience).  Another dealer sold Ohm Walsh speakers that had a similar condescending attitude. I hope they were just having bad days, and I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. But I still will never consider these brands.

Without naming specific dealers or even cities (to protect the possibly innocent or misunderstood), what brands will you never consider because of similar experiences that have prejudiced you? 


 isn’t this as valid a reason as any? Certainly as valid as aesthetics.

No, not really.

All it is, is a valid reason to not do business with that specific dealer.

What if that brand happened to carry a product that had 'the' exact sound you've been looking for, but you'll never know because someone who has nothing to do with manufacturing the product was a jerk to you?


I did have a dealer in Australia screw me around from Perth. Until he dies I won't go to that country. Does that count? :-) The guy was a total fudge bucket.

@russ69 like I said weak suspension, with a tube steel frame. 2 strokes require special skills. 

@russ69 the MkIII was some scary stuff, bad brakes and suspension aside from a weak fuel delivery. Flat side carbs as I recall.

It's a Mach III 500 H1. Mine had a good front disc brake. Regular round slide Mikuni carbs. I got into a tank slapper at 100 mph, sold the bike a week later.

I'll see your Z1 & raise you a Yammy XS11 Special.

Luxman is the brand that I see and just pass by hurriedly. Dealer had nothing to do with it. I bought it (R115 receiver) to replace a Harmon Kardon 730. I HATED it. No bass line but a thump. Thin sounding compared to 730. But I have found that to be the norm for a lot after hearing the 730. But anyway, that was many yrs ago.

Dealers have never put me off on a brand. Now manufactures have with their poor after sales service and psychotic text messages after I called them out on it have had it happen twice with 2 different manufacturers both west of the Mississippi.

@russ69 the MkIII was some scary stuff, bad brakes and suspension aside from a weak fuel delivery. Flat side carbs as I recall. 

I had a Yamaha RD350 that scared me to death. 

Kaw MkIII will always hold memory of guy in high school parking lot doing wheelie, lost control crashed into car. Those bikes had far more engine than chassis could handle.


As far as bad dealer experience, I've had those  but never associated any particular brand to it. I was verbally accosted by asst manager of an audio dealer many years ago for having the gall to try to negotiate price on Rega P3 tt. Right in front of other customers, I smiled as I left the story, totally unhinged. Didn't hold grudge against Rega, did against the store. Too bad for them, had previously made purchases, would have been more in future.

As a person who earned a living based upon a 100% commissioned sales job for over 50 years, you learn that one of the very basics is to NEVER put down what a prospect currently owns, or a competitor’s product if he/she has been considering that.

Instead, you compliment them on their current or prospective choices by saying ... "I understand why you would want to go that way, ABC makes a fine product. However, our XYZ offers as much if not more. Let me explain ... " Then you proceed to point out the features and benefits of your product, and then try to close the sale.

If you insult the existing product or the prospective product, you are insulting the intelligence of the prospect. After all, it is HIS/HER choice, right? This is called "sales 101."

We’ve all suffered putdowns by condescending salespeople. Based on my experience, I am always critiquing salespeople and judging their skills. Back in the early 80s, I was driving one of those big Oldsmobile Broughams. It was fully loaded and in excellent condition as it was used to transport clients.

I walked into a Volvo dealership one day considering trading in the Olds for something smaller. The salesman asked me what I was presently driving. I pointed out the window at the Olds. He condescendingly said ... "Oh, you’re driving one of those dinosaurs!" My response was ... "Yes sir, and you can be assured that I will not be driving a Volvo."


Pass Labs. Even though they make great sounding equipment, I have bought Pass equipment used only.

Like a 2 cycle Mark III a 3 cylinder, that kind of Kawasaki russ69? Death trap! True rice rockets of the time.

I didn’t buy any Kawasaki motorcycles for almost 30 years because I had a bad experience with my Mach III. Finally I thought to myself, that was long enough and now I’ve owned about 9 of them. Whoever designed my Mach III was long gone by 2001 so holding a grudge didn’t make any sense.