Ann Arbor, MI.

Just joined Audiogon this week. Posted a note to see if there was any interest from other "audio lunatics" in S.E. Michigan in getting together in some form or other before I became a member. Did get a few responses. Did see a post concerning the existence of a club called the "Michigan Woofer & Tweeter Society" but the link to it did not work and a web search produced unless anyone out there knows how to contct these folks I would be interested in helping to start some sort of a audio club in this area.....
So if anyone is interested out there around S.E. Michigan please send me your e-mail address and at least your first name & last initial and I will start a database and get in contact with those who respond via e-mail say at the end of Jan 2004 and let everyone know how many are interested and if it's worth trying to arrange a meeting somewhere....

Greg in Ann Arbor, MI.
Northern Monroe County- Berlin Township.
Is the Ann Arbor club still active?
personally..... I feel like I am in Audio Purgatory. If there is a club out there. I would like to konw about it.
I live in Mid Michigan. Finding friends of like interest
would be great.
I am in Manistee trying to start a club here in North west Mich. any one interested Please email me.
hi AnnArbor!

is Arnie still running Accutronics, down on State St? that was the place that got me in to HiFi. i walked in on a lark, sat down and listened to a pair of Cornwall IIs and could only think 'how am i going to pay for this'.

i've since moved away, so unfortunately can't join you.