Amp upgrade for Contour 60's

I have upgraded my system with new pair of Dyne Audio Contour 60's and now looking to upgrade amp.  My budget prohibits my first choice of the Sim Audio Evolution Series, unless I could find a used one. I like the Ayre and Sim Audio gear, and wonder how the lower price NEO series 330 amp would compare to the Ayre VX-5.   
I have a hegel H360 and am considering a pair of contour 60's. If anyone's heard the combo I would appreciate impressions.
Hello Two left, thanks for responding. The used Ayre AX 5 Twenty would run about $6,100. I missed out on a used 600i couple months ago. I have heard the Contour 30’s with the 600I and it was a great combination. Don’t have anything against a good integrated but concerned the 600i would be a little light on power output. I love the Sim Audio gear, and would buy the 860 power amp in a heartbeat if I could afford it. It will be hard for me to go over $6500 for a power amp, and considering Ayre AX 5 doubles to 350 per channel at 4 ohms, I don’t know what else is out there in that quality league with that kind of power output for the price.