AMP or Preamp

What to add next to my system, budget $5000 to $7000?  My current system consist of Wilson Sasha speakers, Yamaha RX-A3050 receiver that I run pure direct, Rotel RB-1590 2x350 amp, Hegel DAC and a Bluesound Vault 2i streamer.  I have been looking at a Mcintosh C2600 to replace the Yamaha receiver to give me the option of adding a turn table at a later date or would adding mono blocks give me the most bang for the bucks or other options?   

I would sell everything and get all mcintosh system. Mc462 and c2600 would be divine pairing.
Anthem STR Integrated, Parasound JC-2 W/Parasound A-21+, Musical Fidelity 600 Nuvista. Are worth a look.
hey nobnewob, unfortunately you will find a lot of people on this site that can be arrogant and condescending.  Also, many people will tend to push an idea or product because they own and like that direction, or be anti-product in the case with stringeen bad mouthing McIntosh.  I will agree that the Yamaha receiver is definitely a weak link in your system.  However, I don't think the Rotel amp is too terribly bad.  As with all different preferences, some will like McIntosh and others will not. 

That suggestion for a Pass Labs integrated may be a good one.  Reno HiFi has an INT250 for $9k, which is above your budget.  It's basically an X250.8 amp combined with a XP-10 preamp in one chassis.  You could look at INT60 or INT150 (essentially an older X150.5 amp I think).  If it were me, I would still stay with a higher power amp for those large Wilson speakers.  Wilson Audio speakers tend to be very high resolution and very revealing, so in my opinion, you have to be careful about matching.  I would avoid anything too solid state (i.e. Hegel, Gryphon, etc.).  Wilson can be a little fatiguing to listen to if your electronics are too solid state, but they can sound excellent with the proper stuff.  Pass Labs amplifiers are very high resolution, but they are a smooth and controlled sound - great match with the overly dynamic Wilson.  A McIntosh integrated could be good as well because they are mild and laid back sounding, but still have a very engaging sound.

The Rotel amp is very nice and is just a little bit on the warm side of sound.  It's just a little bit solid state sounding, but it's really not bad at all.  I was very impressed with Rotel when I heard it at RMAF.  A switch to Pass Labs or McIntosh amps will likely be much smoother but also sound a little different in their unique ways. 

A Krell K-300i integrated might be nice because the new Krell sound is VERY smoothed over and lush.  Could be a good match with the Wilson's and the K-300i is $7k new.  Though it is only 150 watts per channel.  Alternatively, you could go used here.  There's a used Krell Duo 300 on audiogon for $5k.  Make him an offer for $4500?  Then spend the difference on a preamp of your choice (Parasound JC2, Plinius, McIntosh?).  Lot's of options.
Find a Wilson dealer and go and ask to hear as many integrated amps from $5-7k played thru whatever speakers they carry closest to yours and decide what you like.

Listen to solid state (non-tube) and tube versions.  

If you want to be more adventurous try listening to separates (separate preamp paired with stereo power amp or two mono power amps).
Gheez wiz isn't this the purpose of the discussion to give suggestions.  I'm not trolling just want some suggestions on what to get with people who have more knowlege then myself, just want to hear good music.  I now know the receiver is crap but that's what I have.  I started with speaker which I'm pleased with and now want to go to the next step.  These are the components I have and now I want to improve them. 
Agreed on the integrated amp option. Lots and lots of options out there, but maybe a pass labs offering, or if you like the sound of the Hegel, you could add one of theirs... 
You're using a receiver with Wilsons? Yamaha and Rotel? Seriously??? And, jumping to monoblocks??

Trolling, or one helluva crazy story here for sure. Odds-on favorite: trolling.

Okay anyway assuming serious, ditch the receiver. Get a good integrated. If you really do have Wilsons, they deserve and will reward a lot better front end than some inboard phono-stage on a card. Get a good integrated, Herron VTPH2A phono stage, whatever VPI table you like, mount the best Koetsu you can afford, connect it all with the best Synergistic Research wire you can afford, sit back and enjoy.