BTW does anyone know if Luxman uses differential signals on their balanced inputs.
Am I harming my amp?
I'm using the Kitsune Holosprings 3 and the Luxman L-507z via XLR cable. The DAC output is 5.8 volts and the Luxman accepts max 6 volts into the XLR connection PCM. Am I in danger over overdriving the amp? Ive done A/B testing using an RCA cable also. Output is lower but isnt as bass heavy as with the XLR . RCA DAC output is 2.9 volts. Am I losing any quality using the RCA. The run is 3 feet or so.
@paqua123 I have an Audio Holo May KTE and had the same concerns when I bought it. I've used it directly into my RAAL Requisite VM-1a headphone amp with balanced connections and am also using it in a Holo Audio Serene KTE preamp the same way with zero problems. Everything sounds amazing! no overloads at all. |
Inputs can usually handle some voltage overload without damage, especially if that overload is < 20V. It's the output levels that can overload the amplifier, and speakers. In this case it sounds like your DAC is 0.2V less than the maximum input, so all should be well. Assuming you input 6.5 V, the signal would clip (distort), but so long as your integrated's volume control is down that will sound bad, but not damage anything. |