ADD Powr Products opinions please.

I’ll start with I did own the Sorcer X4 for quite some time, I liked it, but I sold it for shelve space. Too bad...

Today, for my Video, I own the 8-power bar, Symphony I/O, 2 Vivid’s for my Sat/ Antenna etc. coax, and another Vivid for my HDMI connections. Picture quality has become awesome on my 85" Samsung!

I also just got with my last order an EAU-2. Still experimenting with placement. I must say though, in my humble opinion these products are impressive.

Anyone else have experience with ADD-Powr ?



Symphony pro and Eau2 here and I concur with your view. I have the Eau2 onmy Isotek Vision and the Symphony pro in the shelf under dac and streamer. It‘s staying where it is and bang for the buck is superb.


Do you stream?

I am using one of the Vivid’s on my coax in to my Cable/Router/Modem and it has improved my audio streaming quality along with Video streaming.


I do indeed. The Symphony Pro sits below my Etherregen which sits behind an LHY ocxo swith and 3 Ehrenet Isolators in series. Not sure how much rhe Symphony Pro contributes

Cable company box then symphony I/o to a Innuos pulse. 
powr-bar 8 takes care of anything that the audioquest Niagara 3000 doesn’t handle, like a couple of Rel t7/x’s and what not. 
EAU-2 plugged into socket. 
I like Bill met him at pacific audiofest #1 have a hard time believing his science, but then no one sees me pulling any of his products out of my system. 

I have 2 Wizards but cannot say they are giving me any positive impact. What devices are most impacted by the proximity to these boxes?

gkelly, antigrunge2,

What is your experience with the EAU2? I tried it on the main outlet where my Niagara 7000 plugs in and also the Snubway and Main Stream.

I thought I was getting too much, "in your face sound", but maybe I didn’t leave it connected up long enough.



Have you tried it plugged into the Niagara directly? That’s how I use it on my Isotek. No complaints on excessive presence

@ozzy One of them is directly over my dac and I can't say it does anything. The other is over my amp. Besides those 2 all that is left is Aurender or tubed preamp.


I think the biggest improvement is with the wall AC. Not so much from sitting on top of equipment, but I would do that also.


I just took another for the team...

So, as intrigued as I am about the EAU-2, I just ordered an EAU-4 to compare.


Because I had earlier posted that I thought the EAU2 was providing, "too much in your face" sound, I have been experimenting more.

What I now find is, that the actual volume level has increased a bit. There are more dynamics etc. A good thing. Small obscure sounds are now heard more clearly.

Hopefully by the end of the week I will get the EAU4 version to compare.


I have several of their products, a Sorcer x4, Sorcer x4+, two Power Bar 8's, and an EAU4 (and plan to get some other products in the future, like some Vivids and a C-Tuner), they all help my system. I've modded the Sorcers and Power Bars recently (which I must state helped a lot), but they worked well prior to modding.

Power enhancement really depends on both what sound you are looking for (or visuals in the case of a/v), and how they synergize with your existing equipment. Not every piece of equipment or every tweak plays well with everything else. I've tried hosts of plug-in and passive tweaks to see what plays well with the Sorcer x4+, and ultimately found a handful that help, but some detracted from the Sorcer's strengths/signature. So to the Sorcer itself may or may not synergize with your tastes and equipment. To me the Add-Powr products bring clarity and air, which is different than say what my modded ECA Extreme Isolation transformer brings which is detail and definition, and so other power enhancement products bring their own signatures. I do have to say if you have a home theater setup being enhanced by a Sorcer or Sorcer+ the visuals may increase in brightness and saturation to the point you will have to adjust settings.

If you are looking for clarity and air I think the Add-Power products will be a great fit, and I have to say that the Sorcer x4+ synergizes incredibly well with the Akiko Corelli plugged into it (since it is also a clarifier by signature). The iFi AC Purifier and Puron Power plug-in also synergize very well with the Sorcer x4+ and so I'm sure would with a Power Bar 6 or 8, Wizard+, Sorcer Apprentice, etc.

@vze2r8xz  I appreciate the kind comments and feedback, thank you.

The Vivid will add startling benefits to the viewing experience.  C Tuners will enrich the signal path with more noise reduction / signal boost. 

I totally concur. As my original posting states. The Vivid’s did wonders for my streaming video’s, music etc. I mean the picture quality on my older 85" Samsung is now awesome! Watching my Apple TV movies in 4K is so detailed, outstanding color rendition and depth of image. I don’t think I could get a better picture with any newer TV sans the Vivid’s.

I also found that with a Vivid on my outside antenna, it increased the signal strength!


Vivid HDMI or coax rivals and perhaps exceeds the mods of Apple TV. See

.. in both performance and at a third of the price!!