Thanks for the comprehensive and detailed impressions on the E650. Very well written, certainly useful and appreciated.
I’m not going to add much here. I pretty much agree with your thoughts on synergy and the merits of Class A solid-state since I own one myself, a Luxman L-590AXII. After more than 20 years of messing around with various solid state integrateds and pre-power with couple of tube amps thrown in, the Luxman got me off the merry-go-round of upgrades.
I can surely relate to system synergy having experienced it with my current amps and speakers. The Luxman matches very well with the Marten speakers in my main system but doesn’t sound too good with the Harbeth. On the other hand, the Harbeth sounds great with the Naim but not so great with the Luxman. Synergy is a real thing.
Back to the Accuphase. There’s a thread on these fine Japanese amps running on another forum. The Accuphase, Luxman and to a lesser extent Yamaha get a lot of attention not only for their amazing sonic attributes but impeccable build quality, front (glowing) meters and attention to fine detail. There’s a certain rivalry going on between Accuphase and Luxman owners but it’s all good. In the end it is all about the enjoyment of good music in our systems.
By the way, an E650 owner on the other forum once tried the Krell S300i (I think this is the model) but returned to the E650 shortly after he found his Naim speakers to sound better with the Accuphase.
Tannoy Canterbury are serious speakers. I’m sure it sounds splendid when driven by the E650.